
I'm trying to plot the Compton Shift which I've defined as:

E2[ϕ_] := E1/(1 + (E1/(m*c^2))*(1 - Cos[ϕ Degree]))

I've initiated the constants and when I evaluate the function for various degrees, it gives me the correct answer.

The issue I'm getting is that when I try and plot this function (with m = 1, c = 299792458 and E1 = 180), my plot shows a line until the value of ϕ is increased to above ~30-40. I'll get a flat line for small values of Phi but for larger values, the line disappears and I get a blank plot.

What is the reason for this? Am I doing something wrong?

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ What you have is essentially $\frac{180}{1+\mathcal{O}(10^{-16})}$, which is approx $180$. I see a line for large values of phi — i.sstatic.net/b8loH.png Try plotting E1 - E2[phi] if you want to see the change in E2. $\endgroup$
    – rm -rf
    Commented Oct 22, 2013 at 15:26

1 Answer 1


This is just to get an answer on record so the question can be removed from not-answered list.

As rm -rf pointed out in a comment to the question, the difference between E2 and the constant E1 is extremely small, so a plot of E2 is essentially a flat line at 180. If the difference between E2 and E1 is plotted, something useful is obtained.

With[{m = 1, c = 299792458, E1 = 180},
  E2[ϕ_] := E1/(1 + E1 (1 - Cos[ϕ Degree])/(m c^2));
  Plot[E1 - E2[ϕ], {ϕ , 0, 360}, WorkingPrecision -> 20]]



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