I have the function $P_{ns}$ which gives me the amplitude of a signal. The angles $\theta_B$ and $\phi_B$ are known. (25 and 180 for example)
Subscript[P, NS][θ_, ϕ_] =
Sin[θ Degree]*Sin[ϕ Degree] *
Cos[Subscript[θ, B]] -
Cos[θ Degree]*Sin[Subscript[θ, B]]*
Sin[Subscript[ϕ, B]];
This function should be plotted in a polar plot similar to: or to
But in the second case, the color of the line does not change according to the given color function based on the $P_{ns}$ function, where $r$ is $\theta$ and $t$ is $\phi$.
PolarPlot[{10*π/180, 20*π/180, 30*π/180, 40*π/180,
50*π/180, 60*π/180}, {ϕ, 0, 2 π},
PlotStyle -> Thickness[0.02],
ColorFunction ->
Function[{x, y, r, t},
Hue[Table[Subscript[Pnew, NS][i*10, j*10], {i, 6}, {j, 36}]]],
ColorFunctionScaling -> True]