
Consider some dataset

N1 = 13;
N2 = 130*10^3;
N3 = 2*10^4;
tabtest = 
  Join[Join[RandomReal[{0, 3}, {N1, 4}], Table[{1.}, N1], 2], 
   Join[RandomReal[{0, 3}, {N2, 4}], Table[{2.}, N2], 2], 
   Join[RandomReal[{0, 3}, {N3, 4}], Table[{7.}, N3], 2]];

I need to get a list of lists with the same last element. The obvious one is


However, it is relatively slow, taking 0.15 s on my machine. I made another code:

PhaseSpaceSplitter[phasespace_] := 
 Module[{grouped, lengths, positions, ranges, pso, pdgs},
  pdgs = phasespace[[All, -1]];
  If[Length[Union[pdgs]] != 1,
   (*Grouping consecutive identical elements*)
   grouped = Split[pdgs];
   (*Calculating the lengths of each group*)
   lengths = Length /@ grouped;
   (*Generating the start positions*)
   positions = Accumulate[Prepend[lengths, 0]];
   (*Forming ranges*)
   ranges = 
    Transpose[{Most[positions] + 1, Most[positions] + lengths}];
   pso = Take[phasespace, {#[[1]], #[[2]]}] & /@ ranges
   pso = {phasespace};

splitted1 = SplitBy[tabtest, Last]; // AbsoluteTiming//First
splitted2 = PhaseSpaceSplitter[tabtest]; // AbsoluteTiming//First
splitted1 == splitted2




I am okay with how fast the last approach works. However, the speed gain is lost once I apply RandomSample on tabtest:

splitted1 = SplitBy[tabtest, Last]; // AbsoluteTiming//First
splitted2 = PhaseSpaceSplitter[tabtest]; // AbsoluteTiming//First
splitted1 == splitted2




How to make efficient code that makes the list of lists?

P.S. I cannot first make the backward sorting SortBy[tabtest,#[[1]]&] since tabtest is a set of columns of another table, and the ordering is important.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I am not sure why you think the obvious answer is SplitBy. You want to gather items by their last element, so the natural command would be GatherBy[tabtest, Last], which also happens to be 3-4x faster than SplitBy, and gives the same result here (GatherBy[tabtest, Last] == SplitBy[tabtest, Last] returns True). $\endgroup$
    – MarcoB
    Commented Mar 1 at 14:55

1 Answer 1


PositionIndex[ ] seems to take half of the time of GatherBy[ ]. I use the the test case provided, but evaluate the time with GatherBy[ ], after the comment by MarcoB:

splitGB = GatherBy[tabtest, Last]; // AbsoluteTiming // First

split[list_] := Module[{positions},
  positions = PositionIndex[list[[All, -1]]];
  Table[list[[positions[[i]]]], {i, Length[positions]}]

splitN = split[tabtest]; // AbsoluteTiming // First

Ordering is not important:

tab2 = RandomSample[tabtest];
splitM = split[tab2]; // AbsoluteTiming // First

splitByM = GatherBy[tab2, Last]; // AbsoluteTiming // First

splitM == splitByM

May be you do not need the partitioned list of values. Using the list of position indexes may be enough, and will avoid doubling the storage required for the data.


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