As a possible approach to Goldbach's Conjecture, we create two lists of least/greatest prime factors of the odd numbers. The lists are A090368 lpf and A076565 gpf. We get symmetric triangles, which contain all even numbers as sums of two odd primes.
m = 13;
lpf[n_] := FactorInteger[2 n + 1][[1, 1]];
gpf[n_] := FactorInteger[2 n + 1][[-1, 1]];
A090368 = Array[lpf, m];
A076565 = Array[gpf, m];
Table[A090368[[1 ;; -n]] + Reverse[A090368[[1 ;; -n]]],
{n, Length[A090368], 1, -1}];
Table[A076565[[1 ;; -n]] + Reverse[A076565[[1 ;; -n]]],
{n, Length[A076565], 1, -1}];
{%% // MatrixForm, % // MatrixForm}
Is there a faster method to reverse and add the sublists? Perhaps through indexing?
Note: I have verified to $m=200$K by wrapping a Max
around the table, taking the differences and then a union to find that all differences are $2.$