Use ComplexExpand
expr = Assuming[Element[f, Reals],
Abs[-((20 Log[2])/
Log[10]) + (20 Log[
2/Abs[1 + (0. + 0.262217 I) f -
0.0343788 f^2 - (0. + 0.00278569 I) f^3 +
0.000139504 f^4 + (0. + 3.49311*10^-6 I) f^5]])/Log[10]] //
Rationalize[#, 0] & // ComplexExpand // Simplify]
(1/Log[10])10 Log[(1 - (85947 f^2)/2500000 + (8719 f^4)/62500000)^2 + ((
262217 f)/1000000 - (278569 f^3)/100000000 + (171923 f^5)/49217745791)^2]
The exact integral is
int = Integrate[expr, {f, 0, 1}]
(* (1/Log[10])10 (-10 +
605596625186874553920250000000000000000] -
98435491582 RootSum[
605596625186874553920250000000000000000 +
93921375003607187692937652250000 #1^2 -
399705884555840943078443405000 #1^4 +
8596710556978237869461280425 #1^6 - 46737404025411666287075776 #1^8 +
7389379482250000000000000000 #1^10 &, (-30761091119375000000000000000 \
Log[1 - #1] - 3816565488490199500000 Log[1 - #1] #1^2 +
12181761216365932500 Log[1 - #1] #1^4 -
174666889326537175 Log[1 - #1] #1^6 +
474802363195168 Log[
1 - #1] #1^8)/(93921375003607187692937652250000 #1 -
799411769111681886156886810000 #1^3 +
25790131670934713608383841275 #1^5 -
186949616101646665148303104 #1^7 +
36946897411250000000000000000 #1^9) &] +
98435491582 RootSum[
605596625186874553920250000000000000000 +
93921375003607187692937652250000 #1^2 -
399705884555840943078443405000 #1^4 +
8596710556978237869461280425 #1^6 - 46737404025411666287075776 #1^8 +
7389379482250000000000000000 #1^10 &, (-30761091119375000000000000000 \
Log[-#1] - 3816565488490199500000 Log[-#1] #1^2 +
12181761216365932500 Log[-#1] #1^4 -
174666889326537175 Log[-#1] #1^6 +
474802363195168 Log[-#1] #1^8)/(93921375003607187692937652250000 #1 \
- 799411769111681886156886810000 #1^3 + 25790131670934713608383841275 #1^5 -
186949616101646665148303104 #1^7 +
36946897411250000000000000000 #1^9) &]) *)
Its approximate numeric value is
int // N[#, 20] & // Chop[#, 10^-20] & // N
(* 2.23955*10^-7 *)
Comparing with numeric integration
int == NIntegrate[expr, {f, 0, 1}, WorkingPrecision -> 20]
(* True *)
for this. $\endgroup$