My ultimate goal is to solve the 1D radial diffusion equation
$$\frac{\partial u(t,x)}{\partial x}=x^2\frac{\partial}{\partial x} \left(\frac{D(t)}{x^2} \frac{\partial u(t,x)}{\partial x } \right)$$ with a time-dependent diffusion coefficient $D(t)$, but as a first step I want to solve the simple 1D diffusion equation $$\frac{\partial u(t,x)}{\partial x}=D\frac{\partial^2 u(t,x)}{\partial x^2}$$
with a constant diffusion coefficient $D$ (K
in code), which I'll set equal to 1
The initial condition is
$$u(0,x)=\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi L_t}}e^{\frac{-x^2}{L_t^2}}$$
and here I also set the scale parameter $L_t=1$ (Lt = 1
in code) for now.
The boundary conditions are $$\left\{ \begin{aligned} {u(t,-10)=0\\ u(t,10)=0} \end{aligned} \right.$$
I want to use a Crank-Nicolson solver and I've used the code given here.
I've done some small adjustments, for example added an option for the MaxStepSize
and my complete code reads as follows. For solving the equation I've adapted the example given (behind the same link) for solving the wave equation.
(*Define options and method initialization for the Crank–Nicolson*)
Options[CrankNicolson] = {MaxIterations -> 10, Tolerance -> Automatic,
MaxStepSize -> Automatic};
CrankNicolson /:
NDSolve`InitializeMethod[CrankNicolson, stepmode_, sd_, rhs_, state_,
OptionsPattern[CrankNicolson]] :=
Module[{prec, rtol, maxit}, maxit = OptionValue[MaxIterations];
prec = state@"WorkingPrecision";
rtol = OptionValue[Tolerance];
If[rtol === Automatic, rtol = 10^(-prec*3/4)];
CrankNicolson[maxit, rtol]]
(*Define the step function:*)
CrankNicolson[maxit_, rtol_]["Step"[f_, h_, t0_, x0_, f0_]] :=
Module[{J, LU, t1 = t0 + h, x1, f1, residual, err, done = False,
tol = rtol, count = 0},
x1 = x0 + h f0;
f1 = f[t1, x1];
x1 = x0 + (h/2) (f0 + f1);
J = f["JacobianMatrix"[t1, x1]];
LU = IdentityMatrix[Length[x1], SparseArray] - (h/2) J;
LU = LinearSolve[LU];
While[(count <= maxit) && ! done, f1 = f[t1, x1];
residual = x1 - x0 - (h/2)*(f0 + f1);
err = Norm[residual, Infinity];
If[err < tol, done = True
(*else*), x1 = x1 - LU[residual];
If[count > maxit, Message[CrankNicolson::cvmit, maxit];
x1 = $Failed];
{x1, f1}
(*This specifies for NDSolve the inputs, outputs, difference order, and
step mode for the Crank–Nicolson method:*)
CrankNicolson[___]["StepInput"] = {"F"["T", "X"], "H", "T", "X", "XP"};
CrankNicolson[___]["StepOutput"] = {"X", "XP"};
CrankNicolson[___]["DifferenceOrder"] := 2;
CrankNicolson[___]["StepMode"] := "Fixed";
(*Model paramaters*)
K = 1;
Lt = 1;
tmax = 10^2;
msf = 0.001;
k = 0.01;
xlim = 10;
(*Run the solver*)
uF = First[
u /. NDSolve[{D[u[t, x], t] == K*D[u[t, x], x, x],
u[0, x] == Sqrt[2/(Pi*Lt)]*Exp[-x^2/Lt^2], u[t, -xlim] == 0,
u[t, xlim] == 0}, u, {t, 0, 1*tmax}, {x, -xlim, xlim},
Method -> {"DoubleStep",
Method -> {CrankNicolson,
MaxStepSize -> {Automatic, 10^-7}}}]];
(*Plot results in 2D*)
Evaluate[uF[t, x]], {t, 0, tmax}, {x, -xlim, xlim},
AxesLabel -> {"t", "x", "u"}, PlotRange -> All, Mesh -> All]
I now have two problems. First, the distribution should approach a uniform one in the spatial dimension as $t \rightarrow \infty$. However, when I look at the plot given by the code, the distribution seems to approach zero. I don't understand this, since in the diffusion equation I have no loss term, so the integral over $x$ should be constant, if I'm, not mistaken. However, this isn't the case right now. I've tried to decrease the MaxStepSize
down to 10^-8
in both dimensions, but the result doesn't seem to change or the computation aborts. Below is the resulting graph I get, but I think that the "plateu" should be higher, approaching about 0.07
from above to conserve the spatial integral.
A second problem is that when I set tmax = 600
or larger, the solution starts to show a distribution that looks really strange, and setting tmax = 10^4
the behavior is clearly visible.
can handle the problem without difficulty, but you just want to use Crank-Nicolson, right? $\endgroup$u[t, -xlim] == 0, u[t, xlim] == 0
This is amount to cooling down the whole domain with 2 walls whose temperatures are0
. You need to set adiabatic boundary condition i.e. Neumann b.c. whose RHS is0
. $\endgroup$