Bug introduced in 12.0 or earlier and persisting in 12.3.1
I've generated a Mathematica plot. When I right-click it and save it in a SVG file format like PDF or EPS, it looks great. (Unfortunately, I can't post an example, because Stack Exchange doesn't support SVG formats.) But when I save it in a raster file format like PNG, GIF, or JPEG, this weird red background appears that isn't in the plot displayed in Mathematica:
It looks like an error notification, but it only appears in the saved graphic and not in the Mathematica notebook.
But if I copy the Mathematica plot and then paste it into a graphics editing program like Paint, the red background is gone and I can save it in a raster format through the graphics editing program:
Any idea why this is happening, and how I can export a plot directly from Mathematica into a raster file format without needing this awkward cludge of copying and pasting into a graphics editor?
Mathematica v12.0.0.0. In case it's helpful, here's the command that I used to generate the plot from a new kernel:
Plot[{x^4, 320 x - 624, 256 (x - 4) + 256}, {x, 2, 6}, PlotStyle -> {{Thick}, {Black, Thickness -> Automatic}, {Black, Thickness -> Automatic}}, Filling -> {1 -> {{2}, LightBlue}, 1 -> {{3}, LightOrange}}, Axes -> False, Epilog -> {{PointSize[Large], Point[{4, 4^4}]}, Line[{{2, 2^4}, {4, 4^4}}], Line[{{4, 4^4}, {6, 6^4}}], Line[{{4, 4^4}, {4, 656}}]}
Export["test.png", %]