
The problem: I combine two lists in one DateListPlot. The first list has labels. When I combine both in one DateListPlot, some of the labels are not visible.

data = {
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 01}], 1,"label1"}, 
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 02}], 2, "label2"}, 
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 03}], 3,"label3"},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 04}], 4,"label4"}, 
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 05}], 5,"label5"},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 06}], 6,"label6"}, 
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 07}], 7,"label7"},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 08}], 8,"label8"}, 
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 09}], 9,"label9"},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 10}], 10,"label10"}, 
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 11}], 11,"label11"},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 12}], 12, "label12"}

When I visualise data like:

graf1 = DateListPlot[Rule[data[[All, {1, 2}]], data[[All, 3]]]
  , PlotStyle -> {Red, PointSize[0.02]}
  , LabelingFunction -> Right
  , Joined -> False

enter image description here

The other datasets look like:

data1 = { 
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 01}], 10},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 02}], 1},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 03}], 9},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 04}], 2},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 05}], 8},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 06}], 3},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 07}], 9},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 08}], 8},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 09}], 6},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 10}], 5},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 11}], 7},  
 {DateObject[{2021, 01, 12}], 4} 

When I combine both datasets in one graph like:

graf2 = DateListPlot[{data1[[All, {1, 2}]], 
   Rule[data[[All, {1, 2}]], data[[All, 3]]]}
  , PlotStyle -> {Blue, Red}
  , Joined -> {True, False}
  , Frame -> {{True, False}, {True, True}}, 
  PlotRangePadding -> {{.75, Automatic}, {5, Automatic}}

Now the output looks like:

enter image description here

As you can see, the labels 'label1', 'label2', and 'label8' are not visible.

Does anyone have a suggestion on how to solve this issue?


1 Answer 1


Alternative 1

To have access to options like LabelVisibility one option is to use Callout explicitly and add the option to each point.

  data1[[All, {1, 2}]],
, PlotStyle -> {Blue, Red}
, Joined -> {True, False}
, PlotRange->{All, All}
, PlotTheme->"Scientific"

enter image description here

Alternative 2

Otherwise, you could use SetOptions to change the default option and use your own code.

  • $\begingroup$ Good answer. THANKS!! $\endgroup$ Commented Nov 4, 2021 at 9:31

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