n = 20;
lbls = ResourceFunction["RandomString"][{n, 10}];
data = RandomReal[1, {n, 3}];
Use Callout
as wrapper on input data:
bubblechart = BubbleChart[MapThread[
Callout[Style[#, Directive[EdgeForm[]]], #2, Automatic,
Appearance -> "Leader",
LabelVisibility -> All,
CalloutMarker ->
Arrowheads[{{0, 1}, {Automatic, 0,
Graphics[{ Opacity[.5], Disk[Offset[{-5, 0}, {0, 0}], Offset[5]]}]}}],
CalloutStyle ->
{Directive[Thick, CapForm["Butt"], Opacity[.5], #3], Opacity[0]}] &,
{data, Style[#, FontSize -> 14] & /@ lbls, ColorData[66] /@ Range[n]}],
PerformanceGoal -> "Speed",
ChartStyle -> 66,
ChartBaseStyle -> Opacity[.5],
ImageSize -> 600]
postProcess = ReplaceAll[ {_Polygon -> {},
Arrow[a_, ___] :> Arrow[a, {0, -.0075}],
Text[a_, Offset[o_, b_], c_] :>
Text[a /. Rule[FontSize, _] :> Rule[FontSize, Scaled[.025]],
Offset[o/3, b], (-Sign@o) /. {0, y : Except[0]} :> y {-1.2, 0.5}]}];
postProcess @ bubblechart
Show[postProcess @ bubblechart /.
{Offset[5] -> Offset[3], Offset[{-5, 0}, p_] -> Offset[{-3, 0}, p]},
ImageSize -> 400]
Notes: It is important (1) to use a large font size in printer points rather than in scaled size, and (2) to use a large image size in the original chart. Try using FontSize -> Scaled[.02]
(instead of FontSize -> 14
) and ImageSize -> 300
(instead of ImageSize -> 500
) in the code above to see the reason.
data2 = data[[;; 10, 1]];
lbls2 = lbls[[;; 10]];
barchart = BarChart[
Callout[Style[#, Directive[EdgeForm[]]], #2, Automatic,
Appearance -> "Leader",
CalloutMarker ->
Arrowheads[{{Automatic, 0,
Graphics[{Opacity[.5], Disk[Offset[{-5, 0}, {0, 0}], Offset[5]]}]}}],
LeaderSize -> {{Automatic, 90 Degree, 0}, {10, 0 Degree}},
CalloutStyle ->
Directive[Thick, CapForm["Butt"], Opacity[.5], #3]] &,
{data2, Style[#, FontSize -> Scaled[.02]] & /@ lbls2, ColorData[66] /@ Range[10]}],
ChartStyle -> 66,
ChartBaseStyle -> Opacity[.5],
ImageSize -> 800,
BarSpacing -> - .1]
Show[ReplaceAll[{_Polygon -> {},
Text[a_, Offset[o_, b_], c_] :>
Text[a, Offset[o/4, b], {-Sign[o[[1]]], 0}]}] @ barchart,
ImageSize -> 800, ImagePadding -> {{5, 50}, {5, 5}}]
Show[ReplaceAll[{_Polygon -> {},
Text[a_, Offset[o_, b_], c_] :>
Text[a, Offset[{7, 10}, b], {-1, 1}, {0, 1}]}] @ barchart,
ImageSize -> 800, ImagePadding -> {{5, 5}, {5, 90}}]
Callout[Style[#, Directive[EdgeForm[]]], #2, Automatic,
CalloutMarker ->
Arrowheads[{{Automatic, 0,
Graphics[{Opacity[.5], Disk[Offset[{-5, 0}, {0, 0}], Offset[5]]}]}}],
CalloutStyle -> Directive[Thick, CapForm["Butt"], Opacity[.5], #3]] &,
{data2, Style[#, FontSize -> Scaled[.02]] & /@ lbls2, ColorData[66] /@ Range[10]}],
ChartStyle -> 66,
ChartBaseStyle -> Opacity[.5],
ImageSize -> 700,
ImagePadding -> {{10, 10}, {10, 100}},
BarSpacing -> - .2] /.
{_Polygon -> {} ,
Text[a_, Offset[o_, b_], c_] :> Text[a, Offset[{0, 25}, b], {-1, 0}, {0, 1}]}