
What's the specification to draw arrows of a certain length (from a reference point), at a given angle?

Say, I want to draw an arrow of length 1 at 0 degrees, and one of length 0.5 at 90 degrees, each arrow starting at a giving originPt. Ideally, I'd like a function where I give as argument a list of arrowSpecs, like this:

(*Arrow list {arrowColor, originPt, lengthFromOrigin, angle}*)
originPt = {0,0};
arrowSpecs = {{Blue,originPt,1,0},{Red,originPt,0.5,90}}

(*My desired function*)

Getting this:

enter image description here

Note that the originPt could be different for every arrow, here just for simplicity I used the same.



3 Answers 3

originPt = {0, 0};
arrowSpecs = {{Blue, originPt, 1, 0}, {Red, originPt, 0.5, 90 Degree}};

arrowDrawing[specs_] := 
 Graphics[{Thickness[.01], Arrowheads[.1], #[[1]], 
     Arrow[{#[[2]], #[[2]] + {#[[3]] Cos[#[[4]]], #[[3]] Sin[#[[4]]]}}]} & /@ 


Mathematica graphics

Note the usage of Degree when defining the angle.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ If we test with originPt = RandomReal[{-10, 10}, 2], what happens if originPt is not (0, 0)? Does Arrow[{#[[2]], {#[[3]] Cos[#[[4]]], #[[3]] Sin[#[[4]]]} + #[[2]]}]} & /@ specs solve the problem? $\endgroup$
    – creidhne
    Commented Aug 29, 2021 at 18:57
  • 3
    $\begingroup$ @creidhne, yes, sorry, I have fixed the problem. $\endgroup$
    – Domen
    Commented Aug 29, 2021 at 20:35

You can use the function AnglePath for this purpose:

toArrow[{color_, orig_, len_, angle_}] := {
    Arrow @ AnglePath[orig, {{len,angle}}]

For example:

arrowSpecs = {{Blue, {1, 1}, 1, 0}, {Red, {-1, -1}, 0.5, 90 Degree}};
Graphics[toArrow /@ arrowSpecs, Axes->True]

enter image description here

transformedArrow[{style_, origin_, length_, angle_}] :=
   Arrow @ AffineTransform[{length RotationMatrix @ angle, origin}] @ {{0, 0}, {1, 0}}}


arrowSpecs = {{Directive[AbsoluteThickness[5], Arrowheads[Large], Blue], {1,1}, 1, π/4}, 
 {Red, {-1, 0}, 0.5, 90 Degree}};

Graphics[transformedArrow /@ arrowSpecs]

enter image description here

aSpecs = Table[{RandomColor[], RandomReal[{-2, 2}, 2], 
   RandomReal[{.5, 2}], RandomReal[{0, 2 Pi}]}, 20]; 

Graphics[{Thick, transformedArrow /@ aSpecs}, Axes -> True]

enter image description here


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