First of all, congratulations to @Kuba for this excellent package
I did not know where to report the following example, so I thought I would make a post about it. I understand that this might be one of the coordinate transformations that are causing issues to Solve
, however, this coordinate tranformation appears a lot and I think it might be useful if this can be resolved somehow.
The mathematical description of the problem is given below and is taken directly from this paper - see eq.(5.14) on page 31 and also eq.(A.2) on page 36.
The equation is
\begin{equation} \frac{1}{\sigma^2} \partial_{\sigma} (\sigma^2 \partial_{\sigma}V) + \partial^2_{\eta} V = 0 \end{equation}
The change of variables $(\eta, \sigma) \leftrightarrow (\rho, w)$ is given by
\begin{equation} \begin{aligned} \sigma &= \rho \cos w \, ,\\ \eta &= \rho \sin w \, . \end{aligned} \end{equation}
The result should be given by
\begin{equation} \frac{1}{\rho^2} (2 \cot w \partial_w V + \partial^2_w V + 3 \rho \partial_{\rho} V) + \partial^2_{\rho} V = 0 \end{equation}
The command that I used is shown below
DChange[D[σ^2*D[V[σ, η], σ], σ] + D[V[σ, η], {η, 2}] == 0,
{ρ == η^2/Sqrt[η^2 + σ^2] + σ^2/Sqrt[η^2 + σ^2],
w == ArcTan[σ/Sqrt[η^2 + σ^2], η/Sqrt[η^2 + σ^2]]}, {σ, η}, {ρ, w},
{V[σ, η]}]
I tried also to input the change of variables in the way that is stated above; that is
DChange[D[σ^2*D[V[σ, η], σ], σ] + D[V[σ, η], {η, 2}] == 0,
{σ == ρ*Cos[w], η == ρ*Sin[w]}, {σ, η}, {ρ, w}, {V[σ, η]}]
None of the above produces the desired result.