I am trying to solve this differential equation for a heat transfer problem: \begin{equation} kt\frac{\partial^2 T}{\partial x^2} = \epsilon \sigma T^4, \ \ \ T(0) = T_0, \ \ \ \frac{\partial T}{\partial x} \Big|_{x=L} = 0 \end{equation}
where $k$, $t$, $\epsilon$, $\sigma$, $T_0$ and $L$ are constants.
Mathematica's NDSolve
won't touch this. However, substituting with the dimensionless $\Theta = \frac{T}{T_0}$ and $\rho = \frac{x}{L}$, the problem becomes
\begin{equation} A\frac{\partial^2 \Theta}{\partial \rho^2} = \Theta^4, \ \ \ \Theta(0) = 1, \ \ \ \frac{\partial \Theta}{\partial \rho} \Big|_{\rho=1} = 0 \end{equation}
Where $A = \frac{kt}{L^2 T_0^3 \epsilon \sigma}$ is a constant (feel free to double check this, but I am pretty confident with the math).
Pluging this into Mathematica like so
T0 = 238;
L = 1.5;
A = 0.001356;
tau = NDSolve[{A*Th''[r] == Th[r]^4, Th'[1] == 0, Th[0] == 1}, Th, {r, 0, 1}];
T[x_] = Evaluate[T0*Th[x/L]/.tau];
Plot[T[x] - 273, {x, 0, L}, PlotRange -> All, AxesLabel -> {"x [m]", "T [°C]"}]
gives me
NDSolve::ndsz: At r == 0.0530353097865862`, step size is effectively zero; singularity or stiff system suspected. >>
However, with the wrong equation (setting $A=1$):
tau = NDSolve[{Th''[r] == Th[r]^4, Th'[1] == 0, Th[0] == 1}, Th, {r, 0, 1}]
I get a nice, wrong temperature profile.
What gives? I feel like this is a math issue rather than a coding one, but I may be wrong.
I there a mathematical route to using the $\frac{\partial^2 \Theta}{\partial \rho^2} = \Theta^4$ solution and scale it with $A$ somehow, or should I be able to solve the real equation with Mathematica?
Thank you.
Edit: This is getting weirder. I ran A=1; tau = NDSolve[{A*Th''[r] == Th[r]^4, Th'[1] == 0, Th[0] == 1}, Th, {r, 0, 1}]; T[x_] = Evaluate[Th[x]/.tau]; Plot[T[x], {x, 0, 1}]
for different values of A, and NDSolve only crashes for values smaller than A = 0.4821
. I have no idea where to go from there. The correct value for A is A = 0.001356
tau = NDSolve[{Th''[r] == Th[r]^4, Th'[1] == 0, Th[0] == 1}, Th, {r, 0, 1}]; T[x_] = Evaluate[Th[x]/.tau]; Plot[T[x], {x, 0, 1}, PlotRange -> All]
you will see what the solution looks like. $T'(0) < 0$ in this solution, which is correct. However, the real values do not match the physical units in this reduced solution. $\endgroup$