I would like to make a plot of a function defined just for integer values, like
f[n_, m_] := 2 - (1/IntegerPart[n]) - (1/IntegerPart[m])
If I try to plot
Plot3D[f[n, m], {n, 1, 6}, {m, 1, 6}, PlotRange -> All,
PlotPoints -> 100, Exclusions -> None,
ColorFunction -> "BlueGreenYellow"]
I need this 100 points to get a "decent" result. This takes a long time, and the result is not very similar as the histogram one. Do you know if there is anyway to do this?
Thanks in advance!
. But I'm confused: If1 <= n <=6
and1 <= m <= 6
are integers, then there are only 36 points. $\endgroup$ListPlot3D
does only plot a point, I would like to have the chart bars aspect, like in theHistogram3D
case. $\endgroup$