
Suppose I have an equation $$ d=\int_A^B \dfrac{dr}{\sqrt{1-\dfrac{2M}{r}}}\\ =B\sqrt{1-\dfrac{2M}{B}}-A\sqrt{1-\dfrac{2M}{A}}+M\ln\left( B\sqrt{1-\dfrac{2M}{B}} +B-M\right)-M\ln\left( A\sqrt{1-\dfrac{2M}{A}} +A-M\right), $$ where $B>A>2M>0$.

I want to solve this equation for $B$ analytically. So far, I have tried


where $d=0.1, A=3, M=1$. However, Mathematica won't give a number.

Is there another way to solve this? Thanks.

  • 2
    $\begingroup$ Use FindRoot instead of Solve. $\endgroup$
    – LouisB
    Commented Jun 4, 2020 at 20:07

1 Answer 1


FindRoot works, but fun function.

inner[M_, xAB_] := Sqrt[1 - (2 M/xAB)];
expr[M_, A_, B_] := 
 B*inner[M, B] - A*inner[M, A] + M*Log[B*inner[M, B] + B - M] - 
  M*Log[A*inner[M, A] + A - M]
FindRoot[expr[M, A, B] == 
  d, {{M, 1.}, {A, 3.}, {B, 2, 2, 4}, {d, 0.1}}]

mine = FindRoot[expr[1., 3., B] == 0.1, {B, 2, 2, 4}]
(* Out: {B->3.05828} *)

(* Out: {B->3.05828} *)

In[10]:= mine==original
Out[10]= True

PS. Tried Plot[expr[1, 3, B] == 0.1, {B, 0, 10}] to see graph of B. Whew!


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