
I'm trying to view a distribution of points from inside.

 Graphics3D[{Function[s,{Hue[s/180],Point[{Cos[s Degree],##}&@@@CirclePoints[Sin[s Degree],50]]}]/@Range[0,180,10]},ViewVector->{{0,0,0},{.7,0,0}}]

If rendered correctly, Mathematica should display a set of red and yellow points in front of the camera positioned at {0,0,0}. However, I discovered a set of blue points on the image, which, by theory, should be behind the camera.

If I substitute Point with Sphere, Mathematica can render the image correctly again! However, render a Sphere is much more resource and time-consuming than render a point, thus would deteriorate the performance (especially in the latest version, where rendering is unbelievably slow).

So I would like to ask about how to fix this bug! Thanks!

FYI: Similar issue exists in Line, but can be fixed by substituting Line by Tube as well.

  • 3
    $\begingroup$ Do not add the bugs tag until somebody else confirms that this behavior is, indeed, a bug. It would also help greatly if you could include the output you see, with the points you think are erroneous highlighted. $\endgroup$
    – MarcoB
    Commented May 15, 2020 at 19:29

1 Answer 1


A slight change in the camera x-position, such as ViewVector->{{0.01,0,0},{.7,0,0}}, seems to work properly, but not {0,0,0}.


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