I've got an ODE which gives me the proper form of a solution:
ode = 0 == -(c + A*t)^2 + D[r[t], t]^2;
sol = DSolve[{ode}, r[t], t]
The solution is:
{{r[t] -> (-c)*t - (A*t^2)/2 + C[1]}, {r[t] -> c*t + (A*t^2)/2 + C[1]}}
However, I need a solution for a definite integral rather than the indefinite form. e.g.:
c*(t0 - t1)*(A*(t0 + t1))/2
The Mathematica help describes a form of DSolve that has a range argument, but I can't seem to get it to work:
sol = DSolve[{ode}, r[t], {t, t0, t1}]
DSolve::alliv: The function r[t] was specified without dependence on all the independent variables. Each function must depend on all the independent variables.
What am I doing wrong? How do I get DSolve to give me the definite integral solution?