You need to write it this way
ClearAll[x, y, t, q, d];
ode1 = y'[t] == 1 - q x[t] - (3 + 2 d) y[t];
ode2 = x'[t] == 1 - d y[t] - (3 + 2 q) x[t];
ic = x[0] + y[0] == 1;
DSolve[{ode1, ode2, ic}, {y[t], x[t]}, t]
To answer comment:
What would I do if I now want to look at when y=0 and x'>0
May be this is something to get you started on this. You'd need numerical value for $q,d$. Since you have 2 ODE's and one IC. So even if you plug in numbers for q,d, there is still one unknown c1. But you can always plug in a number for this constant also
Here is an example
q = 1/2;
d = 1/3;
ode1 = y'[t]==1-q x[t]-(3+2 d) y[t];
ode2 = x'[t]==1-d y[t]-(3+2 q) x[t];
ic = x[0]+y[0] == 1;
sol = First@DSolve[{ode1,ode2,ic},{y[t],x[t]},t];
sol = sol/.C[1]->1 %plug in some value for last constant of integration
Plot[{Evaluate[y[t] /. sol], Evaluate[D[(x[t] /. sol), t]]}, {t, 0,
2}, PlotLegends -> {"y(t)", "x'(t)"}]
The above shows $y(t),x'(t)$ are both >= 0 when $t=2$. it looks like x'(t) does not go over zero actually. To get exact answer, you'd need to solve the equations which I am not sure they can be solved analytically, a numerical method would be needed. When you change $c_1$ you do the same again.