
I have two sets of data. data1, boundary points of the two yellow surfaces shown below, are correctly plotted. However, data2, points almost in the vertical $y=0$-plane, do not show up. data2 is more or less like that the two leaves of data1 close and coincide in the $y=0$-plane.

I want to show both data sets together (Edit: and their colors chosen automatically by PlotTheme -> "Business" as they're normally rendered). Is there any way out?

enter image description here

ListPlot3D[{data1, data2}, PlotRange -> {{-0.5, 0.5}, {-0.1, 0.1}, {0, 0.1}}, PlotTheme -> "Business", AxesLabel -> {x, y, z}]

The data are as follows

{data1, data2}={{{-0.498888, -3.19621*10^-25, 0.0333333}, {-0.473122, -0.00470247, 
   0.0363173}, {-0.403804, -0.0176968, 
   0.0445669}, {-0.301622, -0.0371004, 
   0.0568813}, {-0.150161, -0.0618223, 
   0.0724944}, {0.0848717, -0.0741708, 
   0.0794865}, {0.275171, -0.0567612, 
   0.0671902}, {0.378431, -0.0384026, 
   0.0551864}, {0.431566, -0.0254112, 
   0.0471327}, {0.458987, -0.0170245, 
   0.0421882}, {0.473576, -0.0117328, 
   0.0392161}, {0.481711, -0.00837124, 
   0.0374124}, {0.486505, -0.00618227, 
   0.0362863}, {0.489508, -0.00469733, 
   0.0355513}, {0.491537, -0.00362577, 
   0.0350384}, {0.493065, -0.00278219, 
   0.0346445}, {0.494405, -0.00204806, 
   0.0343046}, {0.495751, -0.00136093, 
   0.0339839}, {0.497136, -0.000724309, 
   0.0336822}, {0.498332, -0.000221891, 
   0.0334408}, {0.498885, -1.20715*10^-6, 0.0333339}, {-0.498888, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {-0.473122, 0., 0.0333333}, {-0.403804, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {-0.301622, 0., 0.0333333}, {-0.150161, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.0848717, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.275171, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.378431, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.431566, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.458987, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.473576, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.481711, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.486505, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.489508, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.491537, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.493065, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.494405, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.495751, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.497136, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.498332, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.498885, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {-0.498888, 3.19621*10^-25, 0.0333333}, {-0.473122, 
   0.00470247, 0.0363173}, {-0.403804, 0.0176968, 
   0.0445669}, {-0.301622, 0.0371004, 0.0568813}, {-0.150161, 
   0.0618223, 0.0724944}, {0.0848717, 0.0741708, 
   0.0794865}, {0.275171, 0.0567612, 0.0671902}, {0.378431, 0.0384026,
    0.0551864}, {0.431566, 0.0254112, 0.0471327}, {0.458987, 
   0.0170245, 0.0421882}, {0.473576, 0.0117328, 0.0392161}, {0.481711,
    0.00837124, 0.0374124}, {0.486505, 0.00618227, 
   0.0362863}, {0.489508, 0.00469733, 0.0355513}, {0.491537, 
   0.00362577, 0.0350384}, {0.493065, 0.00278219, 
   0.0346445}, {0.494405, 0.00204806, 0.0343046}, {0.495751, 
   0.00136093, 0.0339839}, {0.497136, 0.000724309, 
   0.0336822}, {0.498332, 0.000221891, 0.0334408}, {0.498885, 
   1.20715*10^-6, 0.0333339}}, {{-0.498888, -9.72703*10^-25, 
   0.0333333}, {-0.456846, -1.51447*10^-18, 
   0.037797}, {-0.354429, -5.33941*10^-18, 
   0.0490817}, {-0.220841, -1.05463*10^-17, 
   0.0644295}, {-0.0421324, -1.62937*10^-17, 
   0.0810826}, {0.163827, -1.57394*10^-17, 
   0.0781084}, {0.295344, -1.19327*10^-17, 
   0.0660401}, {0.371789, -8.73286*10^-18, 
   0.0564082}, {0.41643, -6.41942*10^-18, 
   0.0497166}, {0.443037, -4.80383*10^-18, 
   0.0452114}, {0.459355, -3.67756*10^-18, 
   0.0421786}, {0.4697, -2.88168*10^-18, 
   0.0401073}, {0.4765, -2.30525*10^-18, 
   0.038657}, {0.481163, -1.8717*10^-18, 
   0.0376029}, {0.484553, -1.52674*10^-18, 
   0.0367919}, {0.487254, -1.22976*10^-18, 
   0.0361134}, {0.489711, -9.49526*10^-19, 
   0.0354838}, {0.492259, -6.65265*10^-19, 
   0.0348463}, {0.495015, -3.7648*10^-19, 
   0.0341936}, {0.49759, -1.23131*10^-19, 
   0.0336157}, {0.49888, -7.01073*10^-22, 0.0333349}, {-0.498888, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {-0.456846, 0., 0.0333333}, {-0.354429, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {-0.220841, 0., 0.0333333}, {-0.0421324, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.163827, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.295344, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.371789, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.41643, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.443037, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.459355, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.4697, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.4765, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.481163, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.484553, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.487254, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.489711, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.492259, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.495015, 0., 
   0.0333333}, {0.49759, 0., 0.0333333}, {0.49888, 0., 0.0333333}}};
  • $\begingroup$ You can use Polygon on data2 like: Show[ListPlot3D[data1, PlotRange -> {{-0.5, 0.5}, {-0.1, 0.1}, {0, 0.1}}, AxesLabel -> {x, y, z}], Graphics3D[Polygon[data2]]]. $\endgroup$
    – Alx
    Commented Mar 5, 2020 at 12:25
  • $\begingroup$ @Alx Thanks, but it doesn't come with a mesh as ListPlot3D does. I'd like to use the same style to show them together. $\endgroup$
    – xiaohuamao
    Commented Mar 5, 2020 at 18:13

2 Answers 2


Update: To have the colors in the two plots match the colors in a single plot with PlotTheme -> "Business":

colors = "DefaultPlotStyle" /. Method /. Charting`ResolvePlotTheme["Business", ListPlot3D]);

Show[ListPlot3D[data1, PlotTheme -> "Business"], 
 MapAt[10^-17 # &, #, {1, 1, 1, All, 2}] &@
  ListPlot3D[MapAt[10^17 # &, data2, {All, 2}], PlotRange -> All, 
   PlotStyle -> colors[[2]], PlotTheme -> "Business"], 
 ImageSize -> Large, ViewPoint -> {3, 1, 1.5}]

enter image description here

Original answer:

You can (1) scale the second column of data2 (so that it is not almost constant), (2) use ListPlot3D and (3) post-process to reverse the scaling:

 ListPlot3D[MapAt[10^17 # &, data2, {All, 2}], PlotRange -> All] /. 
  GraphicsComplex[a_, b___] :> GraphicsComplex[MapAt[10^-17 # &, a, {All, 2}], b], 
 ImageSize -> Large, ViewPoint -> {3, 1, 1.5}]

enter image description here


 MapAt[10^-17 # &, #, {1, 1, 1, All, 2}] &@
  ListPlot3D[MapAt[10^17 # &, data2, {All, 2}], PlotRange -> All], 
 ImageSize -> Large, ViewPoint -> {3, 1, 1.5}]

same picture

Alternatively, plot data2 with the option ScalingFunctions -> {None, {10^17 # &, 10^-17 # &}, None} and post-process the output to undo the scaling:

  MapAt[10^-17 # &, #, {1, 1, 1, All, 2}] &@
   ListPlot3D[data2, ScalingFunctions -> {None, {10^17 # &, 10^-17 # &}, None}, 
    PlotRange -> All], 
 ImageSize -> Large, ViewPoint -> {3, 1, 1.5}]

same picture

Note: For version 11.3 (Windows 10) use MapAt[10^-17 # &, #, {1, 1, All, 2}] &.

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks. I think MapAt[10^-17 # &, #, {1, 1, All, 2}] should be MapAt[10^-17 # &, #, {1, 1, 1, All, 2}], otherwise it will get some error. I was wondering if possible to make the colors of several data sets consistent to a certain PlotTheme, e.g., PlotTheme -> "Business". This option normally can select colors nicely, but not for this vanishing vertical surface, because data1 and data2 are in two separate ListPlot3Ds. Can we merge them into one and still do the trick you used? $\endgroup$
    – xiaohuamao
    Commented Mar 6, 2020 at 23:26
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ @xiaohuamao, you are right; we need an extra 1 in MapAt[...] in version 12.0. Re plot theme, you can do something like colors = "DefaultPlotStyle" /. (Method /. Charting`ResolvePlotTheme["Business", ListPlot3D]); Show[ListPlot3D[data1, PlotTheme -> "Business"], MapAt[10^-17 # &, #, {1, 1, All, 2}] &@ ListPlot3D[MapAt[10^17 # &, data2, {All, 2}], PlotRange -> All, PlotStyle -> colors[[2]], PlotTheme -> "Business"], ImageSize -> Large, ViewPoint -> {3, 1, 1.5}] to have the colors in the two separate plots match the theme colors in a single plot. $\endgroup$
    – kglr
    Commented Mar 6, 2020 at 23:48
  • $\begingroup$ This completely solves my problem. Thanks! $\endgroup$
    – xiaohuamao
    Commented Mar 7, 2020 at 1:22

We can convert Polygon to MeshRegion and then plot it with RegionPlot3D:

Show[ListPlot3D[data1], RegionPlot3D[DiscretizeGraphics[Polygon[data2]], Mesh -> 10]]

enter image description here


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