I'm attempting to display the geometric meaning of a contour integral
but as you can see, the typesetting of the contour integral (created via the Epilog function) looks awful because the contour integral is too high relative to the integrand. In addition, the text is too small. How can this be fixed? My code for this figure is
a = 1.5;
b = 1;
q^2/a^2 + p^2/b^2 <= 1, {q, -a - .1, a + .1}, {p, -b - .1, b + .1},
AspectRatio -> Automatic,
Axes -> True,
AxesLabel -> {q, p},
Frame -> False,
PlotStyle -> Directive[Green, Opacity[0.9]],
Ticks -> False,
Epilog -> {Text["\[ContourIntegral]p\[DifferentialD]q",
Offset[{0, 0}, {.7, .35}]]},
ColorFunction -> "Pastel"]