
I want to plot implicit plots in certain regions. For example plot the section of the hyperbola that is in between the wedge. But I could not find out how to do this. Multiplying the first expression with a <> expression does not work.

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2 Answers 2


Add RegionFunctionas an option

ContourPlot[x^2/15^2 - y^2/(-15^2 + 37^2) == 1, {x, -50, 50}, {y, -50, 50}, 
RegionFunction ->Function[{x, y},y <= Tan[15 Degree] (x + 37) && y >= - Tan[15 Degree] (x + 37)]]

enter image description here

  • $\begingroup$ How would I have different regions for different implicit functions on the same window? $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 20, 2020 at 15:57
  • $\begingroup$ Combine ContourPlots using Show or create a RegionFunction with several implicit regions. $\endgroup$ Commented Jul 20, 2020 at 19:10

You can also use ConditionalExpression as follows:

ContourPlot[{ConditionalExpression[x^2/15^2 - y^2/(-15^2 + 37^2), 
    Abs[y] <= Tan[15 Degree] (x + 37)] == 1, 
  Abs[y] == Tan[15 Degree] (x + 37)} ,
 {x, -50, 50}, {y, -50, 50}]

enter image description here


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