I'd like to draw a simple figure illustrating geometric perspective (so-called "central-point perspective") in which perspective lines on two cubes are extended "to infinity," where they meet.
Here is my first attempt:
Translate[Cuboid[], {-3/2, 0, 0}],
Translate[Cuboid[], {1/2, 0, 0}],
Red, Thickness[0.02],
Line[{{-1/2, 0, 1}, {-1/2, 20, 1}}],
Line[{{-1/2, 0, 0}, {-1/2, 20, 0}}],
Line[{{1/2, 0, 1}, {1/2, 20, 1}}],
Line[{{1/2, 0, 0}, {1/2, 20, 0}}]},
Boxed -> False,
ViewPoint -> {0, -.9, .05},
PlotRegion -> {{0, 2}, {0, 50}, {0, 2}},
ViewAngle -> 20 \[Degree]]
As you can see the red lines (by design) only extend a finite distance back. (I even had difficulty drawing them longer and re-setting the PlotRange.)
I'd like to draw HalfLine
which, in theory, should extend to infinity, where all four red lines meet at the vanishing point.
Alas, I can't seem to make that work.