As I said, only a synthetic approach is possible. Please, look here (sec. 0.5) for a mathematical proof of some of the transitions.
We have
S=\int_0^1{\mathrm e^{\mathrm i\pi x}x^x(1-x)^{1-x}\mathrm dx} =\int_0^1 (1-x)\, \exp\left\{\left[\mathrm i\pi+\log x-\log(1-x)\right]x\right\}\, \mathrm dx
First we verify numerically
p[z_] := (1-z) E^((I π + Log[z] - Log[1 - z]) z)
N[Integrate[p[z], {z, 0, 1}] - (I π E)/24] // Chop
Out[1] = 0
Now we do a substitution
x[t_] := (E^t)/(E^t + 1)
p[x[t]] x'[t] // Simplify // ComplexExpand // FullSimplify
Out[2] = E^((t + E^t (I π + 2 t))/(1 + E^t))/(1 + E^t)^3
It leads us to the integral (please, notice mathematically identical, but slightly shorter form)
S = \int_{-\infty}^\infty \exp\left\{(\mathrm i\pi + t)\, \frac{\mathrm e^t}{\mathrm e^t + 1}\right\}\, \frac{\mathrm e^t}{(\mathrm e^t + 1)^3}\, \mathrm dt
The integrand has a single pole at $ t=-\mathrm i\pi $ encompassed by the red contour as indicated
Now we push the contour to infinity, whereupon integrals over the vertical tracks vanish. Now it is an easy matter (see the link) to reduce the desired integral to the value of residue at $-\mathrm i\pi$.
S = -\pi\,\mathrm i\, \mathrm{Res}_{t=-\mathrm i\pi}\left[ \exp\left\{(\mathrm i\pi + t)\, \frac{\mathrm e^t}{\mathrm e^t + 1}\right\}\, \frac{\mathrm e^t}{(\mathrm e^t + 1)^3}\right].
The final result can be obtained as follows
-π I Residue[%, {t, -I π}]
Out[3] = (1/24) I E π
The figure generating code was requested and is presented below. Notice, it derives from some of the posts here. Newer version of MA has ComplexPlot
f[x_,y_]:={Rescale[Arg[zf[x+I y]],{-Pi,Pi}],Abs[zf[x+I y]],1};
Graphics[{},PlotRange->{{xMin,xMax},{yMin,yMax}},FrameTicks->{{Table[k π,{k,-5,5}],Table[k π,{k,-5,5}]},{Automatic,Automatic}},
PlotRangePadding->None,ColorFunction->GrayLevel,ColorFunctionScaling->None,Exclusions->None,PlotRange->Full],ColorSpace->"Grayscale",ImageSize-> 1200],{1,-2},{1,-2}],{i,3}],"HSB"],AspectRatio->Full],
ContourPlot[Abs[zf[x+I y]],{x,xMin,xMax},{y,yMin,yMax},PlotPoints->30,AspectRatio->Automatic,MaxRecursion->6,ContourShading->None,Frame->None,ImageMargins->0,PlotRangePadding->None,Contours->6,Exclusions->None,ContourStyle->Directive[Thin,Black],Axes->True,Ticks->None,AxesStyle->Dashed],
EdgeForm[Red],FaceForm[None], Rectangle[{-9,-2π},{9,0}]
f[t_]:=E^((t+E^t (I π+2 t))/(1+E^t))/(1+E^t)^3