I figured out how to do this, although it's a bit hacky. It relies on the following fact. Suppose {g1,g2,...,gn}
are n samples from a Gumbel distribution. Let z = {Log[p1]+g1, Log[p2]+g2, ..., Log[pn]+gn}
. Then argmax(z)
is a random sample from Range[n]
according to the probabilities {p1,p2,...,pn}
. Note also that I wasn't able to generate the Gumbel samples inside the net, so I have to feed them in as an input. Obviously every time you call the net, you need to pass in a new sample.
I borrowed the argMaxLayer
from here (thanks Carl!). I had to modify slightly to output an integer rather than one-hot.
Here's the full code :
argMaxLayer[n_] := NetGraph[{
"max" -> AggregationLayer[Max, 1],
"repl" -> ReplicateLayer[Automatic],
"switch" -> ThreadingLayer[If[#1 != #2, 0., 1.] &],
"argMax" -> ConstantTimesLayer["Scaling" -> Range[n]],
"sum" -> AggregationLayer[Total, 1]},
{NetPort["Input"] -> "max",
"max" -> "repl",
{NetPort["Input"], "repl"} -> "switch",
"switch" -> "argMax",
"argMax" -> "sum"}]
n = 4;
input = {0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25};
gumbel = -Log[-Log[RandomVariate[UniformDistribution[{0, 1}], 4]]];
data = <|"Input" -> input, "Gumbel" -> gumbel|>;
sampleDiscDistLayer =
NetGraph[{"Plus" -> Plus, "Log" -> Log, "ArgMax" -> argMaxLayer[n]},
{NetPort["Input"] -> "Log",
{"Log", NetPort["Gumbel"], "Log"} -> "Plus",
"Plus" -> "ArgMax"}];
Repeated calls will uniformly sample integers from Range[n]
. Just change the input
probabilities to get different discrete distributions on Range[n]
(And apologies for answering my own question as someone else - the UX for this site is very confusing. Think I deleted my profile or something weird)
s. Can you clarify with some more details in your question - especially with examples, if you can? $\endgroup$NetDecoder
documentation, specifically for Tokens. Or perhaps the documentation forSoftmaxLayer
. $\endgroup$