
There are some indications that the following matrix congruence might have a one-dimensional family of solutions. Also this discussion is relevant

a = DiagonalMatrix[{5, 4, 3}]
b = DiagonalMatrix[{3, 4, 5}]
X = Array[x, {3, 3}]
r = NSolve[
  Transpose[X].a.X == b && (Transpose[X].X)[[1, 1]] == 
    1 && (Transpose[X].X)[[2, 2]] == 1 && (Transpose[X].X)[[3, 3]] == 
    1, Flatten[X], Reals, WorkingPrecision -> 32]

This is clearly a solution


I am curious if there are other real solutions. However, MA cannot find even the obvious one. Suggestion of experts how to obtain these (preferably the whole family) solutions are appreciated.


1 Answer 1


Rewrite your expression to remove the equalities (which are hard for real-valued equations) and represent it as a minimization problem. This gives an answer without trouble:

 Norm[Flatten[{Thread[Transpose[X].a.X - b], (Transpose[X].X)[[1, 1]] - 
     1, (Transpose[X].X)[[2, 2]] - 1, (Transpose[X].X)[[3, 3]] - 1}]], Flatten[X]]
  • $\begingroup$ In contrast to Solve, the Minimization method is quite stable. It was unexpected to me. $\endgroup$
    – yarchik
    Commented May 3, 2019 at 12:46

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