Running Mathematica 8.0.4 and 10.0.0 on a Windows 8.1 machine. Processed the same code with both kernels:
k = .2; NSolve[Rationalize[2 r^2 - .2 r^(k + 2) - 1 == 0], r, Reals]
The version 8 kernel returns two values as expected:
{{r -> 0.742979}, {r -> 100000.}}
The version 10 kernel returns only the first value by default. The second value doesn't appear as a solution until setting WorkingPrecision
to at least 28.
The same behavior occurs for other values of k
: the version 10 kernel needs massaging to return values the version 8 kernel finds by default. What would cause this?
VerifySolutions -> False
, it gives three, one wrong. $\endgroup$