I was trying to figure out Curl in other coordinates. The Curl documentation (https://reference.wolfram.com/language/ref/Curl.html ) didn't really say how Mathematica interpreted the input.
Anyway, I tried the following just to figure it out. {0,x} should have curl of 1 everywhere, where {,} is a Cartesian coordinate.
Then, I converted to polar (thinking the answer should still be 1). I found the magnitude r = x and theta = Pi/2 because my vector points in the y direction. Anyway, I ran that and got something funky instead of 1 (see below).
Curl[{0,x},{x,y}, "Cartesian"] (*Out[1]= 1*)
Curl[{r Cos[theta],Pi/2},{r,theta},"Polar"] (*Out[2]= -((-(\[Pi]/2)-r Sin[theta])/r)) *)
So the question is how does Mathematica interpret curl inputs, why I didn't get 1 as an output, and how to fix that?
I am a beginner so please keep it simple. Links to suitable resources for this are also helpful.
. $\endgroup$