so this is currently what I'm building
triangles[n_Integer?(# >= 2 &)] :=
(*the subdivision by elementary geometry*)
{{(i + j/2)/n, Sqrt[3]/2 j/n},
{(i + 1 + j/2)/n, Sqrt[3]/2 j/n},
{(i + 1/2 + j/2)/n, Sqrt[3]/2 (j + 1)/n}}],
{j, 0, n - 1}, {i, 0, n - 1 - j}],
{{(i + 1/2 + j/2)/n, Sqrt[3]/2 (j + 1)/n},
{(i + 3/2 + j/2)/n, Sqrt[3]/2 (j + 1)/n},
{(i + 1 + j/2)/n, Sqrt[3]/2 j/n}}],
{j, 0, n - 1},{i, 0, n - 2 - j}]]]
(*Generate ternary frame*)
triangle = triangles[50];
(*acenters and acentroids match in this case*)
acoords = Table[triangle[[i]][[1]], {i, 1, Length[triangle]}];
acenters = Table[Mean[acoords[[i]]], {i, 1, Length[triangle]}];
acentroids = Table[RegionCentroid[triangle[[i]]], {i, 1, Length[triangle]}];
Using I'm trying to recreate the following histogram module in R (
cloud = RandomReal[{0, 1}, {1000, 2}];
indices = First /@ nf /@ cloud;
tally = Tally[indices];
ListDensityPlot[Join[points, List /@ Sort[tally][[All, 2]], 2],
InterpolationOrder -> 0,
Epilog -> (Text[#2, points[[#1]]] & @@@ tally),
PlotRange -> {{-.5, 5}, {-.5, 5}}, Mesh -> All,
ColorFunction -> (ColorData["BeachColors"][1 - #] &)]
I think this will bin in hexagons, rather than triangles. Alternatively RegionMember
might be the way
maps = Map[RegionMember, triangle];
counts = Table[Tally[Map[maps[[i]], cloud]], {i, 1, Length[maps]}]
? And what is your question? $\endgroup$nf = Nearest[N[points] -> Range@Length[points]];
; I want to build the ternary plot as in $\endgroup$RegionMember
is computationally expensive, so I'm thinking of another way to check $\endgroup$maps[[i]] @ cloud
instead ofmaps[[i]] /@ cloud
will be orders of magnitude faster in the RegionMember approach. Of course using Nearest on the region centroids will be much faster than using RegionMember. $\endgroup$nf
only begs the question — what ispoints
. $\endgroup$