want to plot some rays with "warm" colors, so I started with a radial ray with a few points.
ray = Flatten[ Table[{r Cos[Theta], r Sin[Theta]}, {r, 0, 1, 0.1}, {Theta, 0.7, 0.7}], 1];
After reading mathematica help I believe the result of this command
ColorData[{"SiennaTones", "Reverse"}][#/(Max[ray[[All, 2]]])] & /@ ray[[All, 2]]
is going to inform me of the colors that the 11 points in the initial list will have when using that command as an option to ListPlot. That command produces an array of colors covering the whole range of SiennaTones, which range from whiteish to brown. So I do it like this:
PlotStyle -> (
{PointSize[0.01], ColorData[{"SiennaTones", "Reverse"}][#]} & /@ ray[[All, 2]]
And all I get are whiteish points. Can anybody kindly help me?