
I have dynamic graphics over an image but they won't line up, what am I doing wrong?

img = ExampleData[ExampleData["TestImage"][[1]]];
d = ImageDimensions@img;

MultiContourPolygon[polys_List] := Module[{contours = Append[#, First[#]]&/@polys}, 

        Graphics[{Orange, Opacity[.4], 
            Dynamic @ MultiContourPolygon[{{pt1,pt2,pt3,pt4}, {{0,0}, {d[[1]],0},d,{0,d[[2]]}}}]},
            ImagePadding -> 0, ImageMargins -> 0, ImageSize -> d
        }, Alignment -> {Left,Bottom}, ImageSize -> d

enter image description here


3 Answers 3


You need to specify the Plot Range:

LocatorPane[Dynamic[{pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4}], 
 Overlay[{Image[img, ImageSize -> 400], 
   Graphics[{Orange, Opacity[.4], 
     Dynamic@MultiContourPolygon[{{pt1, pt2, pt3, 
         pt4}, {{0, 0}, {d[[1]], 0}, d, {0, d[[2]]}}}]}, 
    ImagePadding -> 0, ImageSize -> 400, 
    PlotRange -> Transpose[{{0, 0}, d}]]}, Alignment -> {Left, Left}, 
  ImageSize -> 400]]

Mathematica graphics

  • $\begingroup$ Thanks! I knew I was missing something simple. $\endgroup$
    – M.R.
    Commented Jan 24, 2013 at 22:44
  • 2
    $\begingroup$ @M.R. Mma has a lot of alignment options ... this kind of thing are sometimes easy ... sometimes not so $\endgroup$ Commented Jan 24, 2013 at 22:46

Another way to do that is to use Show:

LocatorPane[Dynamic[{pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4}], 
  Graphics[{Orange, Opacity[.4], 
    Dynamic@MultiContourPolygon[{{pt1, pt2, pt3, 
        pt4}, {{0, 0}, {d[[1]], 0}, d, {0, d[[2]]}}}]}, 
   ImagePadding -> 0]]]

enter image description here

With this solution you do not have to specify any PlotRange or ImageSize.


This is related to this recent question: relative scale of elements in ImageCompose

My answer is similar:

LocatorPane[Dynamic[{pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4}],
  Rasterize @ img,
  Epilog ->
   {Orange, Opacity[.4], 
    Dynamic@MultiContourPolygon[{{pt1, pt2, pt3, pt4}, {{0, 0}, {d[[1]], 0}, 
        d, {0, d[[2]]}}}]}

Mathematica graphics

This way there is no need to mess with ImagePadding, ImageMargins, ImageSize, Alignment, PlotRange or any such options.


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