I would like to extract the range values Mathematica is assigning colours to in a ListContourPlot
(without the range affected by clipping), in order to build custom BarLegends
with MaTeX
I came across this question: ShowLegend values, but since this was already more than 5 years ago, I thought somebody might have a better idea? The function provided in the answer seemingly does not work without modifying in Mathematica 11.3.
Sorry for not providing an example. Let's look at this plot for instance:
data = Function[row,
Append[row, RandomReal[{95, 105}]]] /@ (Flatten[
Table[{i, j}, {i, 1, 3}, {j, 1, 3}], 1]);
data[[1, 3]] = 1;
ListContourPlot[data, PlotLegends -> Automatic]
Which gives
How can I now find out where Mathematica begins to assign the ColorFunction
? Clearly, the value 1 in data[[1,3]]
is clipping and therefore not part of the scale. In order to exactly rebuild such a BarLegend
, I need the maximum and minimum values for it.
Edit 2
What I finally want, is to rebuild the original legend like so
BarLegend[{ColorData["M10DefaultDensityGradient"], {86, 106}}, 9,
"Ticks" -> Range[88, 104, 2], LegendLabel -> "DIY BarLegend",
ColorFunctionScaling -> True]
without having to "guess" the range for the colours (in this case {86,106}
) but get them via code, to avoid incorrect Ticks
. Because of the clipping, these values won't just be the minimum and maximum of the data anymore, so I'm interested in where Mathematica is clipping.