I'd like to make a 3d plot of a list of {x, y, z}
points, where the height of the plot scales with the density (as in histogram) of the xy-values and the color scales with the z values.
I think the following is close but the colors don't appear to scale with the z values. I think i'm either not using ColorFunction
properly, or I'm not scaling the ColorData
values properly (or both, or maybe something completely different!).
I found a few related questions, but none quite the same as this one. An important difference is that I interpolate the data to get the colour function because the z-values in my actual data set are noisy.
Is there a simple fix?
data = RandomReal[1, {100, 3}];
f = Interpolation[data]/Max[data[[;; , 3]]];
SmoothHistogram3D[data[[;; , 1 ;; 2]],
ColorFunction -> Function[{x, y, z}, ColorData["FallColors"][f[x, y]]]]
Following on from the excellent solution by @m_goldberg , I tried adding a BarLegend, using a second function to get the colors to match the raw data rather than data normalized to 1. I first fixed the z range to two values: 0.1 or 0.2 (which for this example simply depends on whether the x value is > or < 0.5) to make it clear if the legend was working. The BarLegend numbers scale to the raw data values as intended, but the colors in BarLegend do not (I get just a very narrow colour band or maybe just one colour?):
data = RandomReal[1, {100, 3}];
lt05 = Flatten@Position[data[[;; , 1]], _?(# < 0.5 &)];
data[[;; , 3]] = 0.1;
data[[lt05, 3]] = 0.2;
f[x_, y_] = Quiet@Interpolation[data][x, y]/Max[data[[All, 3]]];
f2[x_, y_] = Quiet@Interpolation[data][x, y]; Quiet@
SmoothHistogram3D[data[[All, ;; 2]],
ColorFunction ->
Function[{x, y, z}, ColorData["SolarColors"][f[x, y]]],
ColorFunctionScaling -> False,
PlotLegends ->
BarLegend[{Function[{x, y, z},
ColorData["SolarColors"][f2[x, y]]], {Min[data[[;; , 3]]],
Max[data[[;; , 3]]]}}]]
How do I make the BarLegend numbers match the raw data range? Using f2 as the argument to ColorFunction, rather than f, results in one colour throughout the plot (with or without ColorFunctionScaling->True).
ColorFunction -> "FallColors"
? $\endgroup$