I'm trying to insert a ragged line on a plot axis by using an inset. However, I always get white space around the inset such that my axis is broken at some point. What can I do to remove the white space?
Plot[x, {x, 0, 1}, ImageSize -> 300,
Epilog -> {{Inset[
ImageSize -> 15],
Background -> White],
{0.5, 0}]}},
ImagePadding -> 15,PlotRangeClipping -> False]
Inset[Style[Graphics[Line[...] ...]]]
and not just give the graphics directive directly in Epilog, likeEpilog -> {White, Rectangle[{0.475, -.1}, {.525, .1}], Black, Thickness[0.002], Line[...]}
? $\endgroup$