
I have a function u[y] and I want to find the limit of integration that integration is equal zero.

Λ = -30;
u[η_] := (2*η - 2*η^3 + η^4) + Λ/6*(η - 3*η^2 + 3*η^3 - η^4);
θ = Integrate[u[η]*(1 - u[η]), {, 0, 1}] // N;
δ = 1/θ;
u[y_] := Piecewise[{{1,y > δ}}, (2*y/δ - 2*(y/δ)^3 + (y/δ)^4) + Λ/6*
((y/δ) - 3*(y/δ)^2 + 3*(y/δ)^3 - (y/δ)^4)];

FindRoot[Integrate[u[y], {y, 0, yd}] , {yd, 5}]

I have the following error: "Unable to prove that integration limits {0,yd} are real. Adding assumptions may help."

  • $\begingroup$ you have a syntax error in the limits for the first integral. I took that to be a typo in the post, but could actually be the source of your error. $\endgroup$
    – george2079
    Commented Mar 1, 2018 at 18:34

2 Answers 2


the integral can be done for symbolic yd , so you should do that once before using FindRoot.

\[CapitalLambda] = -30;
u[\[Eta]_] := (2*\[Eta] - 2*\[Eta]^3 + \[Eta]^4) + \[CapitalLambda]/
     6*(\[Eta] - 3*\[Eta]^2 + 3*\[Eta]^3 - \[Eta]^4);
\[Theta] = Integrate[u[\[Eta]]*(1 - u[\[Eta]]), {\[Eta], 0, 1}]
\[Delta] = 1/\[Theta];
u[y_] := Piecewise[{{1, 
     y > \[Delta]}}, (2*y/\[Delta] - 
      2*(y/\[Delta])^3 + (y/\[Delta])^4) + \[CapitalLambda]/
      6*((y/\[Delta]) - 3*(y/\[Delta])^2 + 
       3*(y/\[Delta])^3 - (y/\[Delta])^4)];
f[yd_] = Integrate[u[y], {y, 0, yd}, Assumptions -> yd > 0]
FindRoot[f[x], {x, 10}]

( note not-delayed = for f )

x -> 9.01341

NSolve[f[x], x] works too:

{{x -> 0}, {x -> 9.01341}}

 Λ = -30;
u[η_] := (2*η - 2*η^3 + η^4) + Λ/
     6*(η - 3*η^2 + 3*η^3 - η^4);
θ = Integrate[u[η]*(1 - u[η]), {η, 0, 1}] // N;
δ = 1/θ;
u[y_] := Piecewise[{{1, 
    y > δ}, {(2*y/δ - 
       2*(y/δ)^3 + (y/δ)^4) + Λ/
       6*((y/δ) - 3*(y/δ)^2 + 
        3*(y/δ)^3 - (y/δ)^4), True}}]
Assuming[yd ∈ Reals, 
 FindRoot[Integrate[u[y], {y, 0, yd}], {yd, 1}]]

{yd -> 6.20224*10^-9}


Λ = -30;
u[η_] := (2*η - 2*η^3 + η^4) + Λ/
     6*(η - 3*η^2 + 3*η^3 - η^4);
θ = Integrate[u[η]*(1 - u[η]), {η, 0, 1}] // N;
δ = 1/θ;
u[y_] := Piecewise[{{1, 
    y > δ}, {(2*y/δ - 
       2*(y/δ)^3 + (y/δ)^4) + Λ/
       6*((y/δ) - 3*(y/δ)^2 + 
        3*(y/δ)^3 - (y/δ)^4), True}}]
Assuming[yd ∈ Reals, NSolve[Integrate[u[y], {y, 0, yd}], yd]]

{{yd -> 0}, {yd -> 9.01341}}

  • $\begingroup$ Do you want to convert the code to make it look better? Try:steampiano.net/msc $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 1, 2018 at 18:17
  • $\begingroup$ I always wonder how people do it, thanks for the tip. $\endgroup$ Commented Mar 1, 2018 at 18:20

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