I just found out about the EquationTrekker package and its feature of being able to plot Poincaré sections. Now, I wonder how you can choose which Poincaré section to plot.
Consider the example in the documentation:
<< EquationTrekker`
EquationTrekker[{x''[t] + γ x'[t] - x[t] + x[t]^3 == ε Cos[ω t]}, x, {t, 1000, 10000},
PlotRange -> {{-2, 2}, {-2, 2}},
TrekParameters -> {γ -> .15, ε -> .3, ω -> 1.},
TrekGenerator -> {PoincareSection, "SectionCondition" -> Mod[ω t, 2 π],
"SectionVariables" -> {x, x'}, MaxSteps -> ∞}]
I tried to change the "SectionCondition"
Mod[ω t + angle, 2 π]
to get another cross-section for some angle between $0$ and $2\pi$, but no matter what angle I choose, the result is always the same.