
Bug introduced in 11.1.0 and fixed in 11.2.0

The following crashes the Front End when evaluated in version 11.1.0. Can anyone reproduce it?

WARNING! A Front End crash means losing all unsaved notebooks. Proceed with caution!

h = PolyhedronData["RhombicHexecontahedron"];
g = Graphics3D[{RGBColor[1, 0, 0, 0.8], EdgeForm[None], h[[1]]}, 
   Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> True}]
Export["g.pdf", g, Background -> None]
  • $\begingroup$ Adding the Method option seems to make it crash. $\endgroup$
    – M.R.
    Commented Apr 18, 2017 at 4:59
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I get the crash with version 11.1.0 on Windows 7 x64 but no crash with version 11.0.1 on the same machine. $\endgroup$ Commented Apr 18, 2017 at 5:21
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I get the crash also on Windows 10 (MMA 11.1.0). $\endgroup$
    – Pinti
    Commented Apr 18, 2017 at 6:19
  • 4
    $\begingroup$ If the crash is in the FE, not the kernel, always put a big warning in your post! Somebody may not pay attention, evaluate your code, and lose unsaved work. $\endgroup$
    – Szabolcs
    Commented Apr 18, 2017 at 6:24
  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I would file a report with support so that the issue can be investigated. $\endgroup$
    – ktm
    Commented Apr 26, 2017 at 14:31

2 Answers 2


Minimal code

Minimal code that reproduces the crash in Mathematica 11.1.1 Windows 7 64 bits

Export["g.pdf", Graphics3D[Point[{0, 0, 0}], Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> True}]]

Where as this will not cause a crash.

Export["g.pdf", Graphics3D[Point[{0, 0, 0}], Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> False}]]


Reported to Wolfram Technical Support [CASE:3938717] .

Update 2017-09-11: Wolfram Technology Engineer confirmed the issue and have passed it along to developers for further diagnosis.


Rasterize would prevent the crash

Export["g.pdf", Rasterize@ Graphics3D[Point[{0, 0, 0}], Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> True}]]


The following TraceScan

 (PutAppend[#, "TracePrint.txt"]) &,
  Graphics3D[Point[{0, 0, 0}], Method -> {"ShrinkWrap" -> True}]]

Comparing True and False options

Mathematica graphics

The lines after the first significant differences include

"MathLink connection was lost."

HoldForm[First] HoldForm[LinkError[LinkObject["wq5tk_shm", 3, 1]]] HoldForm[LinkError] HoldForm[LinkObject["wq5tk_shm", 3, 1]] HoldForm[{1, "MathLink connection was lost."}] HoldForm[First[{1, "MathLink connection was lost."}]] HoldForm[1] HoldForm[0] HoldForm[1 === 0] HoldForm[False] HoldForm[False] HoldForm[If[False, LinkObject["wq5tk_shm", 3, 1], Developer`UninstallFrontEnd[]; System`UseFrontEndDump`LaunchFrontEnd[]]] HoldForm[Developer`UninstallFrontEnd[]; System`UseFrontEndDump`LaunchFrontEnd[ ]] HoldForm[CompoundExpression] HoldForm[Developer`UninstallFrontEnd[]] HoldForm[Developer`UninstallFrontEnd] HoldForm[AbortProtect[If[Head[System`UseFrontEndDump`$felink] === LinkObject, LinkClose[System`UseFrontEndDump`$felink]; System`UseFrontEndDump`$felink =. ]* If[Head[System`UseFrontEndDump`$xproc] === ProcessObject, KillProcess[System`UseFrontEndDump`$xproc]; DeleteFile /@ Select[{StringJoin["/tmp/.X11-unix/X", System`UseFrontEndDump`$vncport], StringJoin["/tmp/.X", System`UseFrontEndDump`$vncport, "-lock"]}, FileExistsQ[#1] & ]; If[Environment["DISPLAY"] === StringJoin[":", System`UseFrontEndDump`$vncport], SetEnvironment["DISPLAY" -> None]; ]; Clear[System`UseFrontEndDump`$xproc]; ]]] HoldForm[AbortProtect] HoldForm[If[Head[System`UseFrontEndDump`$felink] === LinkObject, LinkClose[System`UseFrontEndDump`$felink]; System`UseFrontEndDump`$felink =. ]* If[Head[System`UseFrontEndDump`$xproc] === ProcessObject, KillProcess[System`UseFrontEndDump`$xproc]; DeleteFile /@ Select[{StringJoin["/tmp/.X11-unix/X", System`UseFrontEndDump`$vncport], StringJoin["/tmp/.X", System`UseFrontEndDump`$vncport, "-lock"]}, FileExistsQ[#1] & ]; If[Environment["DISPLAY"] === StringJoin[":", System`UseFrontEndDump`$vncport], SetEnvironment["DISPLAY" -> None]; ]; Clear[System`UseFrontEndDump`$xproc]; ]] HoldForm[Times] HoldForm[If[Head[System`UseFrontEndDump`$felink] === LinkObject, LinkClose[System`UseFrontEndDump`$felink]; System`UseFrontEndDump`$felink =. ]] HoldForm[If] HoldForm[Head[System`UseFrontEndDump`$felink] === LinkObject] HoldForm[SameQ] HoldForm[Head[System`UseFrontEndDump`$felink]] HoldForm[Head] HoldForm[System`UseFrontEndDump`$felink] HoldForm[Symbol] HoldForm[LinkObject] HoldForm[Symbol === LinkObject] HoldForm[False] HoldForm[If[False, LinkClose[System`UseFrontEndDump`$felink]; System`UseFrontEndDump`$felink =. ]]

subsequently last lines before crashing.

HoldForm[LinkHost -> ""] HoldForm[LinkOptions -> 256] HoldForm[LinkProtocol -> Automatic] HoldForm[LinkMode -> Launch] HoldForm[System`Dump`lcoptions$2519 = Sequence[LinkHost -> "", LinkOptions -> 256, LinkProtocol -> Automatic, LinkMode -> Launch]] HoldForm[LinkHost -> "", LinkOptions -> 256, LinkProtocol -> Automatic, LinkMode -> Launch] HoldForm[LinkOpen["C:\\Program Files\\Wolfram \ Research\\Mathematica\\11.1\\SystemFiles\\FrontEnd\\Binaries\\Windows-x86-64\ \\Mathematica.exe /b /min -mathlink -server", System`Dump`lcoptions$2519]] HoldForm[LinkOpen] HoldForm["C:\\Program Files\\Wolfram \ Research\\Mathematica\\11.1\\SystemFiles\\FrontEnd\\Binaries\\Windows-x86-64\ \\Mathematica.exe /b /min -mathlink -server"] HoldForm[System`Dump`lcoptions$2519] HoldForm[LinkHost -> "", LinkOptions -> 256, LinkProtocol -> Automatic, LinkMode -> Launch] HoldForm[LinkOpen["C:\\Program Files\\Wolfram \ Research\\Mathematica\\11.1\\SystemFiles\\FrontEnd\\Binaries\\Windows-x86-64\ \\Mathematica.exe /b /min -mathlink -server", Sequence[LinkHost -> "", LinkOptions -> 256, LinkProtocol -> Automatic, LinkMode -> Launch]]] HoldForm[LinkOpen["C:\\Program Files\\Wolfram \ Research\\Mathematica\\11.1\\SystemFiles\\FrontEnd\\Binaries\\Windows-x86-64\ \\Mathematica.exe /b /min -mathlink -server", LinkHost -> "", LinkOptions -> 256, LinkProtocol -> Automatic, LinkMode -> Launch]]

fyi, fixed in 11.2. No crash

version 11.1.1

Mathematica graphics

version 11.2

Mathematica graphics


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