
NB: I've seen other post's that ask similar questions, but I haven't found one whose answers address the problems described here.

The code below is a very artificial example that illustrates the problem.

 Plot[Cos[k x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}],
 {{k, 0}, -0.00001, 0.00001, Appearance -> "Labeled"}
 , ContentSize -> {300, 200}
 , ControlPlacement -> Left

As one moves the slider, the widget's appearance becomes completely unstable: the widget's overall dimensions fluctuate, the relative positioning of its contents also fluctuates, scrollbars pop in and out of existence, etc.

How can this thing be stabilized?

Some important notes:

  • I have expressly placed the controls to the left to bring out the problem with the fluctuating label width. Please take the left-placement of the controls as a given.

  • It's fine with me if the number of digits of precision shown changes as the slider is displaced, as long as this does not result in a horizontal shifting of the plot area. IOW, there should be enough extra space for as many digits of precision may appear.

  • I saw no difference with either PreserveImageOptions->True or PreserveImageOptions->False.

  • 1
    $\begingroup$ I think you'll have to be very explicit about controls, e.g. try Labeled[Control[{k, -0.0001, 0.0001}], Pane[Dynamic@k, ImageSize -> 50,ImageSizeAction -> "ShrinkToFit"], Right] in place of {{k,0}....} $\endgroup$
    – N.J.Evans
    Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 20:18
  • $\begingroup$ Not quite what you seek, but this helps: Appearance -> "Open". $\endgroup$ Commented Feb 7, 2017 at 20:22

3 Answers 3


This is an alternative:

    Plot[Cos[k x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}], 
    Row[{"k  ",
         Manipulator[Dynamic[k], {-0.00001, 0.00001}],
         Pane[Dynamic[k], 100]}],
    ContentSize -> {300, 200}, 
    ControlPlacement -> Left]

You can use the undocumented method option "ControlAreaDisplayFunction"

 Plot[Cos[k x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}],
 {{k, 0}, -0.00001, 0.00001, Appearance -> "Labeled"}
 , ContentSize -> {300, 200}
 , ControlPlacement -> Left
 , Method -> "ControlAreaDisplayFunction" -> (Pane[#1, 300] &)]

Another option is to build the Control by yourself and fix the size.

Manipulate[Plot[Cos[k x], {x, 0, 2 Pi}],
 Control[Row[{"k", Slider[Dynamic[k], {-0.00001, 0.00001}], 
    Dynamic[Pane[k, 80]]}, Spacer[5]]],
 ContentSize -> {300, 200},
 ControlPlacement -> Left]

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