Is there an option or way to make a GUIKit window remain in on top of other application's windows?
In[1]:= Needs["GUIKit`"]
ref = GUIRun[Widget["Label", { "text" -> "Stay afloat!"}]]
I've looked through the docs and I can't find a way to do this yet.
In[3]:= Options@Widget
Out[3]= {InitialArguments -> None, Name -> None,
ExposeWidgetReferences -> Automatic, WidgetLayout -> Automatic}
But I suspect it is possible, because it is based on Java and it is poosible to do in java's Window class.
If anyone knows what gui libraries that JLink is using under the hood here for GUIKit windows - that would be a really great place to start!
comes with your Mathematica installation and you even have all java sources available, yes? $\endgroup$