I want to plot 1D functions in 3D using LogLog scale. So suppose I have 1D equation for a function like $y=x^2$ and I want to label it by an additional number $z=1$. The second function could be $y=x^2+1$ labeled by $z=2$. I want those $y=f(x)$ curves to be 1 dimensional, not surfaces and plotted in LogLog scale, and labeling given by $z$ to be given in linear scale. Plots should be just curves on $x,y$ plane labeled on the third axis $z$. How can I do that?
a = Plot3D[{{y = x^2}, {z = 1}}, {x, 0, 10}, {z, 0, 10}]
b = Plot3D[{{y = x^3}, {z = 2}}, {x, 0, 10}, {z, 0, 10}]
Show[a, b]
This is what I tried. It gives me a surface not a curve and doesn't work at all.