What you can do is , separate your differential equation in one part only dependent of y and the other part (side) only dependent of x and than integrate both sides. You then get a function for x here called xs dependent of y. This can not be solved with Solve to y[x], but you can Plot it with ParametricPlot or with FindRoot find the y for a given x.
By the way, the aproximation 1/Log[a x] is not very good.
In[14]:= xs[y_] =
Integrate[(-1/10) ys Exp[1/ys], {ys, 1, y}, Assumptions -> y > 0]
Out[14]= 1/20 (2 E - E^(1/y) y (1 + y) - ExpIntegralEi[1] +
In[15]:= Solve[xs[y] == x, y]
During evaluation of In[15]:= Solve::nsmet: This system cannot be solved with the methods available to Solve. >>
In[77]:= Solve[y == 1/Log[10 x], x]
Out[77]= {{x -> E^(1/y)/10}}
In[86]:= ParametricPlot[{{xs[y], y}, {E^(1/y)/10, y}}, {y, 0.001, 1},
PlotRange -> {{0, 100}, {0, 1}}, AspectRatio -> 1,
MaxRecursion -> 10, PlotStyle -> {Blue, Red}]
In[25]:= yf[x_] := y /. First@FindRoot[xs[y] == x, {y, .1}]
In[89]:= Plot[yf[x], {x, 0, 10}, PlotRange -> {0, 1}]
Continuing my answer:
Your Ansatz c/Log[a kx] for the tail of your solution is quite bad. For very large x it yields errors up to 15 percent and higher. See:
In[1]:= dgl = 1/10 D[y[x], x] == - 1/y[x] Exp[-1/y[x]]
In[75]:= ynd[x_] =
y[x] /. First@NDSolve[dgl && y[0] == 1, y, {x, 0, 10000000000}]
In[77]:= {cf,
kf} = ({c, k} /.
ynd[1000] ==
c/Log[10 k 1000] && (D[c/Log[10 k x], x] /.
x -> 1000) == -10 E^(-(1/ynd[1000]))/ynd[1000], {{c, 1}, {k,
Out[77]= {0.814938, 171.023}
In[79]:= ypw[x_] =
Piecewise[{{ynd[x], 0 <= x <= 1000}, {cf/Log[10 kf x], x > 1000}}]
In[80]:= Plot[(ypw[x]/ynd[x] - 1) 100, {x, 0, 10000000000},
PlotRange -> All]
In[81]:= xs[y_] =
Integrate[(-1/10) ys Exp[1/ys], {ys, 1, y}, Assumptions -> y > 0] //
Out[81]= E/10 - 1/20 E^(1/y) y - 1/20 E^(1/y) y^2 -
ExpIntegralEi[1]/20 + 1/20 ExpIntegralEi[1/y]
In[96]:= yf[x_?NumericQ] :=
y /. First@FindRoot[xs[y] == x, {y, 10^-6, 1}, WorkingPrecision -> 50]
In[131]:= Plot[(ypw[x]/yf[Rationalize[x, 0]] - 1) 100, {x, 0,
10000000000}, PlotRange -> All]
In[129]:= LogLinearPlot[(ypw[x]/yf[Rationalize[x, 0]] - 1) 100, {x, 1,
10^400}, PlotRange -> All]
them together? $\endgroup$u[x]/Log[a x]
or its inverse fory[x]
, solve the resulting equation, and show that it converges to 1? $\endgroup$