I'm trying to add labels to the BarChart
I have generated from a Dataset
however, I seem to be stuck on a couple of points.
Firstly given the below syntax, where am I supposed to add in the BarChart
test = Dataset[{
<|"num" -> 0|>, <|"num" -> 0|>, <|"num" -> 1|>, <|"num" -> 2|>, <|
"num" -> 0|>, <|"num" -> 0|>, <|"num" -> 1|>, <|"num" -> 2|>, <|
"num" -> 2|>, <|"num" -> 1|>, <|"num" -> 2|>, <|"num" -> 3|>, <|
"num" -> 3|>, <|"num" -> 5|>, <|"num" -> 4|>, <|"num" -> 5|>, <|
"num" -> 0|>, <|"num" -> 5|>}];
test[Counts, #num &]
test[Counts /* BarChart, #num &]
Secondly, I know I can add in
...,ChartLabels->{"list","of","things"} ...
but I really want to pass the output of the Counts
so that I can do it programatically for a number of different Datasets