SetOptions[BarChart, LabelStyle -> {}];
Options[BarChart, LabelStyle]
When I evaluate this code
BarChart[Labeled[#, Rotate["label", 90 Degree], Above,
LabelStyle -> Directive[Red, FontSize -> 32]] & /@ Range[8]]
with V11.0.1 on OS X I get
When I examine the InputForm
the labels are coded like this:
90*Degree], {LabelStyle ->
Directive[RGBColor[1, 0, 0], FontSize -> 32], Directive[],
Directive[]}], Offset[{0, 4}, {1., 1.}], ImageScaled[{0.5, 0}]]
So we have the LabelStyle
for Labeled
plus duplicates of the global LabelStyle
for BarChart
LabelStyle -> Directive[RGBColor[1, 0, 0], FontSize -> 12]];
Now I get:
with the labels configured this way:
90*Degree], {BaseStyle ->
Directive[RGBColor[1, 0, 0], FontSize -> 24],
LabelStyle -> Directive[RGBColor[1, 0, 0], FontSize -> 32],
Directive[RGBColor[1, 0, 0], FontSize -> 12],
Directive[RGBColor[1, 0, 0], FontSize -> 12]}],
Offset[{0, 4}, {1., 1.}], ImageScaled[{0.5, 0}]]
which confirms the duplicate of the BarChart
. The configuration of the styling options for these labels looks to be a mess. I'm assuming that being unable to locally style the label use the Labeled
option is a bug?
And when I try this:
SetOptions[BarChart, LabelStyle -> {}];
Style[#, Directive[FontColor -> Red, FontSize -> 32]],
Rotate["label", 90 Degree], Above] & /@ Range[8]]
I get this:
Text[Style[Rotate["label", 90*Degree], {Directive[], Directive[]}], Offset[{0, 4}, {5., 5.}], ImageScaled[{0.5, 0}]]
Note also that modifying the LabeledLabel
style in my stylesheet also had no effect.
This appears to be either a bug or a design oversight. Does anyone have any thoughts?
BarChart[Labeled[#, Rotate["label", 90 Degree], Above, Directive[Red, FontSize -> 32]] & /@ Range[8]]
? $\endgroup$BarChart[Labeled[#, Style[Rotate["label", 90 Degree], Red, 32], Above] & /@ Range[8]]
? $\endgroup$Style
above but nonetheless the rest of the pot seems like correct usage and therefore a bug? $\endgroup$