Following the example of this answer:
Find the volume of the region defined by $|x|+|y|+|z|<4$
I tried to compute the following integral over a region by using ImplicitRegion. However, when I integrate a function which is non-negative over the region I am getting a negative answer. What is wrong with my code? Here is a simplified example of my problem:
Integrate[(y - 1/2) - (x + t),
Element[{x, y, t},
ImplicitRegion[{(y - 1/2) - (x + t) > 0,
x - y > 0}, {{x, -1, 1}, {t, -1, 1}, {y, -1, 1}}]]]
Inside the implicit region, $(y - 1/2) - (x + t)$ (the integrand) is positive, but mathematica outputs the answer is