I have the following problem that I'm sure Mathematica can handle, but it's not working for me!
In the following code, I'm trying to replicate the Ramsey Model Phase Diagram.
In fact, I want now to be able to dram the stable arm of the system. My attempted is using NDSolve
, since I cannot do better. The idea is given a $z_0$ in the regions where exist a stable arm (the ones where the blue line cuts). I tried the framework of BV problems and add up some 1% range; I'm rather sure Mathematica can do better than this.
Could anybody suggest me a way to solve it, because NDSolve
refuses to work with this coding, and I really don't know how to do it.
α = 0.3;
ρ = 0.02;
θ = 2;
η = 0.5;
δ = 0.05;
A = 1.0;
T = 600;
err = 0.01;
{zM, cM} = {250000, 1000};
Dz = A α^α η^η (α+η)^-(α+η) z^(α+η)-δ z- c;
Dc = θ^-1 (A α^α η^η (α+η)^(1-(α+η)) z^(α+η-1) - ρ-δ);
{zT, cT} = NSolve[{Dc == 0, Dz == 0}, {z, c}][[1, All, 2]]
Plot1 = ContourPlot[{Dz==0,Dc==0},
{z, 0, zM}, {c, 0, cM},
PlotTheme -> "Scientific",
PlotLegends -> {"Subscript[Overscript[z, .], t]=0", "Subscript[Overscript[c, .], t]=0"},
Frame -> False, Axes -> True, AxesLabel -> {"z", "c"},
PlotRange -> {{0, zM}, {0, cM}}, ImageSize -> Large
z0 = 10000;
{z'[t] == A α^α η^η (α+η)^-(α+η) z[t]^(α+η)- δ z[t]- c[t],
c'[t] == c[t]/θ (A α^α η^η (α+η)^(1-(α+η)) z[t]^(α+η-1) - ρ-δ),
{z, c}, {t, 0, T},
Method -> {"Shooting", "StartingInitialConditions" -> {z[0] == z0}}
Plot2 = ParametricPlot[Evaluate[{z[t], c[t]} /.sol], {t,0,T},
PlotRange -> {{0, zM}, {0, cM}}, ImageSize -> Large
Show[{Plot1, Plot2}]
, whether you get an error etc. Why should we do all that for you? $\endgroup$