How can I control the thickness of the bars (here vertical lines) in a Histogram
plot? For example in the plot below (of the corresponding image: I can hardly see histogram bars above 300 brightness.
Code for producing the histogram:
imageData = Flatten[ImageData[image, "Bit16"]];
Histogram[imageData, {0, 2500, 1}, Frame -> True,
ScalingFunctions -> "Log", PlotRange -> {{0, 2500}, {All, 10^6}},
ImageSize -> 2000,
BaseStyle -> {FontWeight -> "Bold", FontSize -> 40,
FontFamily -> "Calibri"},
FrameLabel -> {{"# of Pixels", ""}, {"Brightness", ""}}];
I would like to use in my case a bin width of 1. Since one brightness value occurs above 2000 I want to be able to see the corresponding bar - which is too thin.
Background -> Black
makes for a more visible line (picture), although of course it does not change the width of the bin. $\endgroup$