You were very unclear about what your actual question is. But I'm trying to procrastinate so here's what I would do,
data = Get[""];
lorentzianModel = y0 - a/(b + (x - x0)^2);
I took your CSV file, which you generally can't ask people on this site to download, imported it, and used the command CopyToClipboard[data[[All,;;2]]]
and then pasted the result into That's the easiest way to share example data.
To get the nonlinear fit to work, you need decent guesses for the parameters, which I found by just plotting the model and varying the parameters.
fit = NonlinearModelFit[data,
lorentzianModel, {{y0, .03}, {a, 5 10^(-7)}, {b, 3 10^-5}, {x0,
10.25}}, x]
There is really no benefit to multiplying the frequency axis by 10^10 before fitting, you can just do that later. So check the results of the fit,
and compare them to what you got from Igor,
and it looks good. Then plot the results,
Show[ListPlot[data, PlotRange -> All],
Plot[fit[x], {x, 10.0, 10.5}, PlotStyle -> Red]]
Let me reiterate though, that it is not clear what your question is.