I worked up my solution and then saw that Jens had suggested this approach in a comment. Well, here's my approach. It is fairly general. I made no attempt to determine how many connected components there are and finding parametrizations of each one.
Find a point on the intersection. This could be a difficult step, depending on how much is known about the surfaces.
- A known point.
- Use
or NSolve
, if they work. One might be able to solve one variable in terms of the others or use a hyperplane that intersects the intersection of the surfaces.
- Use root-finding, provided a feasible starting point is known. I'll give a pseudo-Newton's Method function for hunting down an intersection point below.
Integrate the normalized cross product of the gradients of the function {f, g}
that define the surfaces {f == 0, g == 0}
. Since the cross product is perpendicular to both gradients of f
and g
, it will be tangent to the intersection curve. Using the normalized vector yields a unit-speed parametrization. This is fairly easy with NDSolve
- Determining the limits of integration usually needs some user-input.
- We can get a periodic interpolation of closed curves.
Utility functions
findPoint[{f, g}, {{x, y, z}, {x0, y0, z0}}]
- finds a point on the intersection of {f == 0, g == 0}
, starting at {x0, y0, z0}
. It uses Newton-Method-like step pseudonewton
periodicEvent[v, v0, p0]
- stops integration when the solution has completed a loop, using the condition v == v0
to trigger the event; p0
should be the initial point and v0
should be the corresponding coordinate.
findIntersection3D[{f, g}, {{x, y, z}, {x0, y0, z0}}, {t, t1, t2}]
- finds a parametrization of the intersection of {F == 0, g == 0}
near the point {x0, y0, z0}
- converts the InterpolatingFunction
to a periodic one. Just something "extra"; it plays no crucial role.
showall[{f, g}, sol]
- another "extra," which shows the plots of f == 0
, g == 0
, and the intersection parametrized by sol
The three examples below were each shown with showall[{f, g}, sol]
OP's example. Converting to a periodic interpolation is not necessary; it is done merely to show it can be done.
{f, g} = {(x^2 + y^2 + z^2 + 8)^2 - 36 (x^2 + y^2), y^2 + (z - 2)^2 - 4};
sol = findIntersection3D[{f, g}, {{x, y, z}, #}, {t, 0, 100},
"EventFunctions" -> {periodicEvent[y[t], #[[2]], #] &}] & /@
{{-4, 0, 0}, {4, 0, 0}} /. if_InterpolatingFunction :> periodicReinterpolation[if];
Helix. OK, paramterization by hand is easy, but I've always liked this construction of the helix as the intersection of two corrugated sheets. I used Solve
to find the point of intersection at the bottom of the plot range (z == -4
). It's actually shorter to write it out explicitly, but in principle
{f, g} = {x - Cos[2 z], y - Sin[2 z]};
sol = findIntersection3D[{f, g}, {{x, y, z},
{x, y, z} /. First@Solve[{z == -4, {x - Cos[2 z], y - Sin[2 z]} == {0, 0}}},
{t, 0, 100},
"EventFunctions" -> {WhenEvent[z[t] == 4, "StopIntegration"] &}];
A somewhat random transcendental surface and sphere.
{f, g} = {x + Sin[y] + Cos[2 z], x^2 + y^2 + z^2 - 9};
sol = findIntersection3D[{f, g}, {{x, y, z}, {0, 0, 2}}, {t, 0, 100},
"EventFunctions" -> {periodicEvent[x[t], First[#], #] &}];
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Root-finding. I have not seen Newton's Method used on an underdetermined system, but that's basically that findPoint
does. In the main function, findPoint
starts the search at the point {x0, y0, z0}
passed to findIntersection3D
ClearAll[findPoint, pseudonewton, periodicEvent, findIntersection3D,
periodicReinterpolation, showall];
pseudonewton[f_List, {x_, y_, z_}] := pseudonewton[f, D[f, {{x, y, z}}], {x, y, z}];
pseudonewton[f_List, df_?MatrixQ, {x_, y_, z_}] :=
With[{df0 = df /. Thread[{x, y, z} -> #], f0 = f /. Thread[{x, y, z} -> #]},
# - PseudoInverse[df0].f0] &;
findPoint[f_List, {{x_, y_, z_}, {x0_, y0_, z0_}}] :=
NestWhile[pseudonewton[f, D[f, {{x, y, z}}], {x, y, z}], {x0, y0, z0},
Norm[f /. Thread[{x, y, z} -> #]] > 1*^-15 &, 2, 100];
Constructing the intersection. Although one specifies an interval {t, t1, t2}
in calling findIntersection3D
(see above, Utility functions), events are probably the easiest way to control the interval of integration. The option "EventFunctions" -> list
takes a list of functions whose input is the starting point found by findPoint
. They should output an WhenEvent
expression. The function periodicEvent
returns a event function that detects when the path computed by NDSolve
returns to its starting position. When the variable v
equals the number v0
and the point {x[t], y[t], z[t]}
, is close to the starting point p0
, integration stops; the number v0
should be the corresponding coordinate of p0
. In certain cases, periodicEvent
might need tweaking. The condition that the distance be within 0.1
is coordinated with the option MaxStepSize -> 0.1
in NDSolve
. If the step size is greater, the event may be missed. It can also happen that the starting point p0
is at an extreme value of the variable v
that periodicEvent
tracks. Either change the variable or pass a periodicEvent
for two or three variables.
periodicEvent[v_, v0_, p0_] :=
WhenEvent[v == v0 && Norm[{x[t], y[t], z[t]} - p0] < 0.1, "StopIntegration"];
Options[findIntersection3D] = Join[{"EventFunctions" -> {}}, Options[NDSolve]];
findIntersection3D[funcs : {_, _}, {{x_, y_, z_}, {x0_, y0_, z0_}}, {t_, t1_, t2_},
opts : OptionsPattern[]] :=
Module[{vel, eqn, ics, invariants},
vel = Cross @@ D[funcs, {{x, y, z}}] // Normalize;
eqn = {x'[t], y'[t], z'[t]} == (vel /. {v : x | y | z :> v[t]});
ics = findPoint[funcs, {{x, y, z}, N@{x0, y0, z0}}];
invariants = funcs /. {v : x | y | z :> v[t]};
{x[0], y[0], z[0]} == ics,
{x, y, z}, {t, 0, 100},
FilterRules[{opts}, Options[NDSolve]],
MaxStepSize -> 0.1,
Method -> {"Projection", "Invariants" -> invariants}]
showall[{f_, g_}, sol_] := Show[
ContourPlot3D[{f == 0, g == 0}, {x, -4, 4}, {y, -4, 4}, {z, -4, 4},
ContourStyle -> Opacity[0.5], Mesh -> None],
ParametricPlot3D[{x[t], y[t], z[t]} /. sol // Evaluate,
Evaluate@Join[{t}, Flatten[x["Domain"] /. First@sol]],
PlotStyle -> Black]
periodicReinterpolation[if_InterpolatingFunction] :=
Module[{coords = First@if["Coordinates"], values = if["ValuesOnGrid"]},
If[Chop@First@Differences[if /@ Flatten[if["Domain"]]] != 0,
Print["Warning: The endpoints are significantly different."]];
values[[-1]] = values[[1]];
Interpolation[Transpose@{coords, values}]
surfaces that has no explicit analytical form? This will be very effective for 3D modeling. $\endgroup$BSplineSurface[]
objects can be transformed intoBSplineFunction[]
s). $\endgroup$t[r]
, where r is a 3D point). Then the curve is described byD[r[u],u] == t[r[u]]
for curve parameteru
. This is becauset
must be tangent to both surfaces for all pointsr
on the intersection curve. You "just" have to integrate that equation with a starting pointr0
on the intersection. $\endgroup$