I am trying to make a Voronoi mesh from the Stanford Bunny surface for 3D printing, intended as a test case to make a Voronoi mesh from any arbitrary, non-parametric 3D surface. Related techniques have been published for exoskeletons and ornamental curve networks and is seen in the functionality of Meshmixer.
Several posted scripts come close, but so far I have been unable to produce a complete solution from start to finish. Question 141348 goes far, but I do not know how to convert those colored Voronoi surfaces to a useful Voronoi mesh. Mathematica has a similar demo for parametric surfaces.
Question 135094 detects edges on Image3D objects; question 3327 converts Graphics3D to Image3D. However, hooking these scripts together appears to leave a disconnect for non-parametric surfaces (and reduces to two dimensions, but I think that's a bug on my part).
Question 39879 has useful tips for converting a tiled surface on a parametric surface to a wire frame and then to a tube frame for printing, but it is not clear how to apply to an arbitrary surface.
As you can see, Mathematica is a little foreign to me--surely there is a more coherent way to do this than the mixed blocks of code below taken from the references above?
I'd appreciate any help or insight. Thanks!
(*From "Voronoi tessellations on meshed surfaces," 141348*)
heatDistprep[mesh0_] :=
Module[{a = mesh0, vertices, nvertices, edges, edgelengths, nedges,
faces, faceareas, unnormfacenormals, acalc, facesnormals,
facecenters, nfaces, oppedgevect, wi1, wi2, wi3, sumAr1, sumAr2,
sumAr3, areaar, gradmat1, gradmat2, gradmat3, gradOp, arear2,
divMat, divOp, Delta, t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, , Ac, ct, wc, deltacot,
vertexcoordtrips, adjMat},
vertices = MeshCoordinates[a];(*List of vertices*)
edges = MeshCells[a, 1] /. Line[p_] :> p;(*List of edges*)
faces = MeshCells[a, 2] /. Polygon[p_] :> p;(*List of faces*)
nvertices = Length[vertices];
nedges = Length[edges];
nfaces = Length[faces];
adjMat =
Join[({#1, #2} -> 1) & @@@ edges, ({#2, #1} -> 1) & @@@
edges]];(*Adjacency Matrix for vertices*)
edgelengths = PropertyValue[{a, 1}, MeshCellMeasure];
faceareas = PropertyValue[{a, 2}, MeshCellMeasure];
vertexcoordtrips = Map[vertices[[#]] &, faces];
unnormfacenormals = Cross[#3 - #2, #1 - #2] & @@@ vertexcoordtrips;
acalc = (Norm /@ unnormfacenormals)/2;
facesnormals = Normalize /@ unnormfacenormals;
facecenters = Total[{#1, #2, #3}]/3 & @@@ vertexcoordtrips;
oppedgevect = (#1 - #2) & @@@ Partition[#, 2, 1, 3] & /@
wi1 = -Cross[oppedgevect[[#, 1]], facesnormals[[#]]] & /@
wi2 = -Cross[oppedgevect[[#, 2]], facesnormals[[#]]] & /@
wi3 = -Cross[oppedgevect[[#, 3]], facesnormals[[#]]] & /@
sumAr1 =
Join[Map[{#, faces[[#, 1]]} -> wi1[[#, 1]] &, Range[nfaces]],
Map[{#, faces[[#, 2]]} -> wi2[[#, 1]] &, Range[nfaces]],
Map[{#, faces[[#, 3]]} -> wi3[[#, 1]] &, Range[nfaces]]]];
sumAr2 =
Join[Map[{#, faces[[#, 1]]} -> wi1[[#, 2]] &, Range[nfaces]],
Map[{#, faces[[#, 2]]} -> wi2[[#, 2]] &, Range[nfaces]],
Map[{#, faces[[#, 3]]} -> wi3[[#, 2]] &, Range[nfaces]]]];
sumAr3 =
Join[Map[{#, faces[[#, 1]]} -> wi1[[#, 3]] &, Range[nfaces]],
Map[{#, faces[[#, 2]]} -> wi2[[#, 3]] &, Range[nfaces]],
Map[{#, faces[[#, 3]]} -> wi3[[#, 3]] &, Range[nfaces]]]];
areaar = SparseArray[Table[{i, i} -> 1/(2*acalc[[i]]), {i, nfaces}]];
gradmat1 = areaar.sumAr1;
gradmat2 = areaar.sumAr2;
gradmat3 = areaar.sumAr3;
gradOp[u_] := Transpose[{gradmat1.u, gradmat2.u, gradmat3.u}];
arear2 =
SparseArray[Table[{i, i} -> (2*faceareas[[i]]), {i, nfaces}]];
divMat = {Transpose[gradmat1].arear2, Transpose[gradmat2].arear2,
divOp[q_] :=
divMat[[1]].q[[All, 1]] + divMat[[2]].q[[All, 2]] +
divMat[[3]].q[[All, 3]];
Delta =
divMat[[1]].gradmat1 + divMat[[2]].gradmat2 +
"SparseArrayOptions" -> {"TreatRepeatedEntries" ->
1}];(*Required to allow addition of value assignment to Sparse \
Array*)t1 = Join[faces[[All, 1]], faces[[All, 2]], faces[[All, 3]]];
t2 = Join[acalc, acalc, acalc];
Ac = SparseArray[
Table[{t1[[i]], t1[[i]]} -> t2[[i]], {i, nfaces*3}]];
"SparseArrayOptions" -> {"TreatRepeatedEntries" -> 0}];
{Ac, Delta, gradOp, divOp, nvertices, vertices, adjMat}]
solveHeat[mesh0_, prepvals_, i0_, t0_] :=
Module[{nvertices, delta, t, u, Ac, Delta, g, h, phi, gradOp, divOp,
vertices, plotdata}, vertices = prepvals[[6]];
nvertices = prepvals[[5]];
Ac = prepvals[[1]];
Delta = prepvals[[2]];
gradOp = prepvals[[3]];
divOp = prepvals[[4]];
delta = Table[If[i == i0, 1, 0], {i, nvertices}];
t = t0;
u = LinearSolve[(Ac + t*Delta), delta];
g = gradOp[u];
h = -Normalize /@ g;
phi = LinearSolve[Delta, divOp[h]];
plotdata =
Map[Join[vertices[[#]], {phi[[#]]}] &, Range[Length[vertices]]];
a = DiscretizeGraphics[ExampleData[{"Geometry3D", "StanfordBunny"}]];
prep = heatDistprep[a];
npoints = 10;
nvertices = prep[[5]];
vertices = prep[[6]];
faces = MeshCells[a, 2] /. Polygon[p_] :> p;
phiall = {};
randvertlist =
DeleteDuplicates[RandomInteger[{1, nvertices}, npoints]];
npoints = Length[randvertlist];
i = 1;
While[i < npoints + 1,
phi = solveHeat[a, prep, randvertlist[[i]], 0.5];
AppendTo[phiall, phi[[1]]];
labels = Map[Ordering[phiall[[All, #]]][[1]] &, Range[nvertices]]/
plotdata =
Map[Join[vertices[[#]], {labels[[#]]}] &, Range[Length[vertices]]];
labelplot = Graphics3D[
Map[Polygon, faces],
VertexColors -> Table[ColorData["BrightBands"][labels[[i]]],
{i, 1, nvertices}]
Axes -> True,
Boxed -> True,
Lighting -> "Neutral"]
(* From "How to convert Graphics3D object into an Image3D object?", 33274*)
obj = labelplot;
slice[obj_, x_, dx_] :=
Show[obj, ViewPoint -> {\[Infinity], 0, 0},
PlotRange -> {{x, x + dx}, All, All}, Axes -> False,
Boxed -> False];
slice[obj, -0.1, 0.2]
frames = Table[
ImageData@Thinning@ColorNegate@ColorConvert[#, "Grayscale"] &@
Rasterize@slice[obj, x, 0.01], {x, -0.1, 0.1, 0.01}];