I am trying to use the EdgeDetect function to determine the edges in my 3D figure. I have successfully done this with 3D figures created by an Image3D function. I now have a figure created by Graphics3D, however when I input this into the EdgeDetect function I get a 2D image as the output. What would allow me to get a 3D output?
x = Graphics3D[
GraphicsGroup[{Opacity[0.3], Cylinder[{{3, 3, 0}, {3, 3, 7}}, 10],
Sphere[{1, 2, 1}, 1], Sphere[{7, 2, 1}, 1], Sphere[{7, 5, 3}, 1],
Sphere[{4, 7, 3}, 1], Sphere[{5, 2, 1}, 1], Sphere[{3, 5, 6}, 1],
Sphere[{3, 8, 6}, 1], Sphere[{7, 2, 7}, 1]}], Boxed -> False]
z = EdgeDetect[x]
you need anImage3D
. This question, 33274, might help converting your graphics. $\endgroup$