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  • Member for 4 years, 3 months
  • Last seen this week
14 votes

How to roll a graph on the y-axis

13 votes

List all homeomorphically distinct irreducible connected simple acyclic graphs of size 10 ("Good Will Hunting" problem)

11 votes

List all homeomorphically distinct irreducible connected simple acyclic graphs of size 10 ("Good Will Hunting" problem)

10 votes

Code golf chromostereopsis illusion

10 votes

How can I draw sequence of these fractal squares?

9 votes

Pure function of lists

8 votes

How can I make a similiar kind of diagram without solving the dynamical equation?

7 votes

How can I quickly find the coordinates of key points?

6 votes

Plot a Satellite Knot

6 votes

How do I recreate this circle packing image?

6 votes

How to produce wavy lines

5 votes

Generating a weighted oriented lattice

5 votes

How to change the variable for x axes in a plot?

5 votes

How can I plot a graph which contains duplicate nodes?

5 votes

How to list all possible string arguments of a specific function?

5 votes

The jumping problem when rolling a Reuleaux triangle

5 votes

How to generate Venn diagram from a universe and 3 random sets?

5 votes

Differences between minimization functions?

5 votes

Gradually rendering parametric surface

4 votes

How to remove branches in Piecewise with measure 0

4 votes

How to get link for local documentation

4 votes

How to animate Laplace operator $ e^{-st} \ s =(\sigma+j \omega)$ which is a spiral

4 votes

Poisson equation on a square

3 votes

How to get out coefficient of term in series?

3 votes

How do I use If to plot a function conditionally

3 votes

Sieve of Sundaram Help

3 votes

Find all spanning tree in a given graph

3 votes

PrimeQ versus Baillie-PSW primality test

3 votes

Putting together several ListPlot 2D in a 3D graphic

3 votes

Calculate $140$ digits of Conway's Constant from the Look and Say Sequence