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a20's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
8 votes

Replacing elements at a single level in a nested list

5 votes

Partitioning a multidimensional list into blocks using element positions

5 votes

ResourceData[] - ResourceAcquire: This request requires authentication

4 votes

CUDA on Manjaro Linux (Arch)

4 votes

AltGr randomly stops working - Windows 7

3 votes

Tunnel a Mathematica command through SSH

3 votes

Mean of boolean list

3 votes

Drawing Circle using Image[Graphics[]] - incorrect coordinates

3 votes

Text position inside jpeg file

3 votes

Magnetic field for certain distance

2 votes

How do I optimize a simulation containing both a While loop and a Do loop?

2 votes

Unequal grid lines thickness in exported graphics

2 votes

RandomVariate from 2-dimensional probability distribution

2 votes

ContourPlot fails in a simple equation

1 vote

Ignoring one peak while fitting a Gaussian with multiple peaks

1 vote

Is it possible to shade specific region in DensityPlot?

1 vote

Symbolic derivation of LU

1 vote

Using "Show" in an interval

0 votes

How to disable the small pop-up windows when mouse is over a Mathematica command in V10?

0 votes

How to interchange columns of a matrix?